17) Awkward

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Eddy doesn't run.
But he is also not acting normal.
The next days are awkward to say the least.

Brett tries to be a bit more normal towards Eddy. He starts cautiously talking to him about normal things. New items to do for TwoSet, what pieces to play. Practice. It's difficult, but he tries. But it doesn't help that every time he comes into a room where Eddy is, forenamed person shoots up, all flustered, and stops doing what he is doing. It's now Eddy having more trouble talking and participating in normal social chitchat than Brett. It's becoming quite embarrassing.

Eddy doesn't know what to do with himself.
He is pondering about what Brett said. His mind is totally off, his Sibelius sounding dreadful. He just can't get his mind in check to practicing effectively anymore. He keeps staring out off the window, looking at nothing, just wondering what happened. He doesn't know what to think or feel.
He is not out grossed by the idea that Brett likes him in that way. But he can't return his love, will he? He seriously doesn't know. He has gone for a few runs, but even the outside air and physical muscle training can't get it better.

At the 3th day after his confession Brett walks into the practice room to get his violin and startles Eddy, again, who almost drops his violin in the process.

Brett looks with raised eyebrows at this action.
"Sheesh. Get a grip mate. I'm trying too, but this is becoming all too awkward. I won't jump you, you know. Relax! Just be yourself and don't mind me. Please."

Eddy nods.
"Sorry bro, I'm still trying to process it all. I just don't know what to do around you. I don't know how to behave. Don't know what to say. It was all so unexpected."

Brett looks at him with his deadpan/annoyed face.
He almost rolls his eye up, but gets himself in check just in time.

"Unexpected you say... Unexpected?! It's so strange Eddy. Everyone else seemed to look right trough me. Even although I thought I had perfected my deadpan expression, they seemed to guess right. Only you, closest at my side, didn't. But it doesn't matter anymore, does it? I'm much better, don't you see? I can talk to you in a much more normal way and we can plan for the future again. Thanks to the medication I also have much more energy. I'll get there. So get yourself over it. I'm trying to do that too. We will be normal again. We must! Okay?"

And don't call me "Bro" he would like to add, but doesn't. That might be a bit much for now. It really hurts like hell to hear it. But what can he do? They have to move on. If Eddy would feel a tiny bit the same way, he would have told him by now, comforted him, wouldn't he? He would already have come to his bedroom to kiss and make up. But he didn't. He decided to take distance. So all hope on a happy ending is lost. Well, f*ck it. He will get over this stubborn beautiful boy at his side and be normal again. He has a world goal to reach, and Eddy is part of it. So he needs to move on, no question about it. For their fans, for TwoSet, for Eddy's sake, and for himself. With determination on his face he starts to practice the orchestra part to Eddy's Sibelius.
Grow up Ed, you stupid bastard! I need you in this! Get a grip!

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