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After a moment Brett realizes what he just said.

I just don't want to go on a date with anyone other than Eddy.

Of course it's the truth, but it was his secret, nobody should know!
Startled, with big as possible eyes he can get in his situation right now, Brett looks at Flora, feeling a blush coming over his face. He quickly turns his head away and his eyes down.
Oh f*ck
He hadn't want to share this yet. He just blurted it out in a moment of insanity.
Of course he already figured out himself that the realization that he really wanted just Eddy and no one else was exactly why he was pushed over the edge that day. And although he was already dead tired that day, this was exactly the reason why he passed out.
After filming the crew and Eddy were bantering if the date would be a good item to film, but Brett only could think that he didn't want to go, except with Eddy. That realization felt so true, it came from so deep, embedded in his heart.
It hit him hard. It was devastating.
He doesn't want to admit that to anyone. Even admitting it just to himself makes him want to dig a hole and hide till everything blows over.
How is it possible to fall so hard for anyone.
Especially a man. And your best friend too.
And the worst part is that he can't talk to Eddy about it.
They always talk about everything, but now...
He even can't talk to him about anything anymore. Just looking at him hurts, because he knows he will never have him. It hurts so bad that it's making his heart cringe in pain every time he just even thinks about it, make his breath uneven, his head lightheaded of oxygen loss, on the verge of hyperventilating.
He hadn't want to tell Flora that just yet.
It's nobody's business, just his.

He swears profoundly but softly, eyes averted to the floor, shielded by his too long black unruly hair.

There is a long pause while Flora is observing Brett collecting himself before she starts talking again.

"Is Eddy the man waiting for you in the waiting room?"
Flora asks with interest.

Brett tries to raise his dead-pan face to the max. It's not working. Not today.

"And you said you have been living in the same house and you have been a lot together these last couple of years?"
Flora doesn't forget things said.

Brett is dreading where this conversation is headed.

"Are you a in a relationship? As lovers? Or have you been?"
She looks at him closely, not wanting to miss any sign in body language.

Brett shifts uncomfortably in his chair.
"I don't think so. No. Definitely no. No.... Although we are really best friends. And we did have some kind of sex once or twice."
Or more...
He thinks by himself, but not sharing obviously.

Flora raises her eyebrows, questioning.
He looks up at her defensively, his cheeks flustered.

"You see, being on the road can get quite lonely you know. We were away from home for a long time, always together.Performing all the time, always on edge. There was a lot of stress to make everything work. We also shared a hotel room, for practical reasons. It's more fun together than alone, right? And we're men for Christ sake! We need physical contact once in a while. Obviously we can't go out with fans: We don't do groupie's. Our fans don't know our sexual preferences anyway. We even don't know that all too well from each other. One evening it just started. So yes, we did make out sometimes! As friends. We are bro's! Mates! Nothing more, nothing less."
Tears start to well in his eyes again. Sweat is shimmering on his forehead and his face looks twisted in agony.
His thoughts wander to times gone by while another whisper of 'just friends, nothing more, nothing less' comes out of his mouth, in the hope he believes it himself.

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