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After breakfast, Eddy picks up his phone and dials the number of Hilary.
He's ecstatic that he can share their news with her. Last couple of weeks Brett had Ray, but he had Hilary.
She has been such a good friend and such a great help during the past difficult times. She was always there for him when he needed her. How will she react?
It takes a while before Hilary is answers her phone.

"Hi Hilary, Eddy here."

"Yes, I saw your name in the screen. So glad that you're calling. I'm sorry it took some time to pick you up. I had to put away my violin first. Sorry to say, but I just have a moment because I have a concert in 10 minutes, so talk and talk fast! How has it been the last few days? "

"Oh, okay, sorry to interrupt. I'll be quick. I'm very fine. Better than fine. Better than ever really."

"That's so nice to hear. Quite a relieve actually. Tell me about it? Can you start with what happened after we hung up last time we were on the phone?"

"Of course. That's why I called you. Well, let's see. I followed your advice and listened to my feelings. Listened to my heart for the first time in a long time. You were so totally right. I discovered I have been a complete dickhead, just like you pointed out so delicately." Eddy snickers. "So I went after Brett immediately after we ended our phone call. Couldn't find him at first though. And when I finally found him I had a hard time making up to him for my dickishness and convincing him that I was serious. Oh wait a moment."

In the background, Hilary hears soft spoken scolding words directed to Brett to shut up and stop fussing. Hilary hears then that the phone is - under protest- taken out of Eddy's hands.

"Eddy, just give me that. I will keep it short. No! Let me! Don't be so obnoxious will you."
The sentence is followed by a distant mumble of a grumpy Eddy.

"Hi Hillary. Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to thank you personally. Thank you so much for supporting Eddy last couple of weeks. You saved us. I'll be grateful for all eternity."

"Of course, glad I could help. So you are together now?"
Hilary sounds hopeful. Her heart skips a beat. Could it be?!

"Wait a moment. I'll put you on speaker. Eddy wants to join."

She hears a simultaneously spoken cheesy "Hi." by the two men on the other line.

"Now tell me! You are finally together now?!" Hilary asks for the second time, dying to get the answer to her question.

Eddy answers immediately and sincerely.
"Yes. Totally. Forever."

Hillary takes a sharp intake of breath. YES!
She can feel Eddy's smile and glowing face through the telephone.
Brett just snickers.
"Oh, Eddy! You are such a sap. But yes. And after what I have heard, you have had a great hand in it apparently. Thank you so much for your help! I don't know how we would have gotten out of this mess without you. But before you have to leave, I regret to emphasize something. There is a disclaimer with this news: we are not out and open for the world to see our happiness.

"As expected, unfortunately. I hear it a lot. It's such a shame you feel the need to hide your love. And maybe you have to, if you still want to be welcome in all parts of the world. It's your choice and of course I will respect that. I'm just so thrilled that you are together. And I'm so happy you chose to share it with me. But you know that if you want the world to know, I'll support you. Now I have to go unfortunately. I wish you all the love in the world and take care of each other."
They hear her picking up her  violin.
"But now I have a problem at hand. How on earth am I going to play with this smile on my face?! You're ruining my reputation! I'm known to be an ice queen, not a giddy teenager. I need to get my head in order or I don't even know which piece to play next on stage."
She lets out a heartfelt laugh. The boys both join in. "Sorry."
"Aw, let them talk. Let's meet somewhere soon, okay? I want to see the lovely couple you are, so I can tease the hell out of you. Have fun. Oh shoot, I hear them knock. Showtime! I need to go. Bye Bye boys."

After saying their goodbyes they hang up.

"We are so incredibly lucky with such good and supportive friends, aren't we?"
Brett sighs as he settles into Eddy's chest.
Eddy can only nod and kiss him.

Autor's note:  Just one more chapter and this arc is done. Thank you for reading this far!

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