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"Brett? What do you want to eat?"
Eddy's walked into Brett's bedroom to ask this question.
Brett is lying in bed facing the door and looks wearily at him. He looks so tired, even although he is laying in bed.

I don't want anything. Just let me be. I don't want to see you now. Please leave.
Without saying this out loud, he turns around, turning his back on Eddy.

Eddy's shoulders drop, just as his head. He speaks softly.

"Please Brett, don't do that. It makes me feel I've done something terribly wrong."

"......." Silence prevails.

"Or have I? Please Brett, tell me. Anything. Can't you just talk to me?!"
Brett can hear tears welling up in his voice.

Oh Eddy! I don't want you to think you have done something wrong! It's all me! Just be yourself, you idiot. Don't mind me. How did this mess come about? I don't want you to feel miserable, just leave me alone for a while. I will get myself together eventually.
He lets out a deep shaky sigh before he finally speaks.

"I'm sorry Eddy. I really am sorry. It will pass. Give me time. Please?"
His voice is soft and hoarse because he hasn't spoken since they left the hospital. In fact, it's the first sentence Brett has spoken to Eddy since that unfortunate day he passed out.

Eddy is relieved to even hear his voice addressing him. Is this the result of the visit to the psychiatrist?

"You know you can tell me anything you want, eh? I really, really want to help. I want to listen to whatever it is that has been bothering you. We'll figure things out."

Yeah, like he is going to tell him what is really wrong. I'm in love with you and I know it's unrequited, so there! No way in hell he is going to say that.
He just sighs deeply again, himself now on the brink of tears.

After waiting half a minute and meeting just silence again Eddy gives up.

"Then I'll make us just something nice, okay?"
Eddy hesitates but eventually leaves the room, casting one last look at his best friend to fix a meal for the two of them.

When Brett hears the door closing, the tears start flowing, rolling down his cheeks.
What is wrong with me! Why can't I shake this miserable feeling off. I need to man up! I need to let go. I need to live again.

But it's not working. He wants to calm himself with a nice lullaby, but his head keeps on being empty. The silence is deafening! He hides his head under his pillow, silent tears dropping in the mattress making a wet spot.
After what feels like an eternity he falls into a restless sleep.

Almost a hour later Eddy knocks softly on the door, opens it and walks quietly into Brett's bedroom.
He has dinner ready and wants to see if Brett can eat a bit.
He sees Brett's laying still. He creeps silently forward to check on him if he is just facing away and brooding, or that he is asleep. Brett is breathing heavily, but even. Carefully not to touch him, he leans over.
Ah, so he is indeed asleep.

He notices the red streaks on his thinned face. A frown appears in Eddy's forehead when his eyebrows cringe together.
You've been crying again, haven't you? Why? What is wrong? Why don't you confide in me? You always did, just like I always did in you. So what is different now? What is going on in that pretty head of yours? Let me help!
Slowly he backs away. He knows Brett isn't sleeping enough, so it's better to let him and to warm up the meal later.
I hope he eats anything later on. He has become so thin.

Suddenly Brett moves, turns on his back and an arm sways in the air.

"No! Don't! Ed!" *murmel murmel* "Don't hate me! I'm sorry!"
Tears are streaming down Brett's sleeping face.

Eddy freezes a moment in shock before he quickly heads back to the bed. He puts his hand on Brett's face, cupping his cheek.

"I'm not going to hate you. Never. Nobody will. You are awesome. Just get better, okay?" he resolutely says.
Brett's face loses its tension, he lets out a deep sigh and falls back in a normal sleep without even waking up.
Eddy slowly heads out again.

Hate you? Why would anyone hate you? Especially me?

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