32) Hello. News flash .

111 5 2

21 dec morning

A telephone rings half a world away. The caller has no idea where it's ringing though, but it's picked up anyway. A cheerful voice meets the recipients ear.

"Hi Ray. It's me, Brett. Just calling you with an update." Leave it to Brett to use short sentences.

"Hi Brett. It's very...." Ray looks at his alarm clock. 4 AM? WTF?
"... very early here. Let me adjust for a moment." Ray tries to get his eyes open, sits up and lowers his legs to the side of his king-size hotel bed in his large hotel room. Being a famous world class soloist has it perks. He shivers. Although hotel rooms can be chosen, weather condition's can't. And it's really cold. They even have forecast snow for the next few days.

"Oh sorry! I didn't want to wake you.I actually have no idea where you are now . I'll call ya back later! B.." But before he can finish his Bye, he is interrupted.

"Oh no you don't. I'm awake now, so we talk. Otherwise I can't sleep if I don't know why you called me. You never call me unless something is worth mentioning. Are you okay? What can I do for you. I'm all ears."
He can't deny that he is curious. Brett doesn't sound sad like the last times he called, so why is he calling him?

"Whuz izz happen'n Ray?" A soft sleepy voice next to Ray asks the almost inaudible question.
Ray looks to the side, his eyes soften and a sweet smile appears on his face. There, beside him in this king-size bed under the wrinkly blankets, lies his beautiful boyfriend. His face all wrinkled, his head all drowsy and overcome with dizziness, and trying to open his little almond-shaped eyes to see what's going on. God, how cute does he look!

"Just go to sleep love. I'll tell you in the morning. Sleep now." Ray tells his sleeping boyfriend.
He puts a soft kiss on his forehead.
"Just a moment Brett. I'll walk over to the kitchen."

Ray gets out of bed and closes the bedroom door softly.
Oi, it's quite cold!
He picks up his cardigan that is lying around on the floor and puts it on, immediately thankful for its warmth. He's glad he just dropped his clothes, when he undressed last night. Sometimes being messy is very convenient.
When he arrives in the small kitchen of his hotel room, he sits on the counter, pulls his legs up and wraps his feet under his cardigan. He almost looks like a matryoshka doll. That's better.
"Okay, I'm all settled. Please proceed."

"I'm really sorry I woke you up. Where are you?"

"Uhm... Germany, big hotel, place somewhere? Not important. But tell me. How are you?"

"Well splendid actually. Lying in bed with my boyfriend, just like you. Boyfriend, say hi to Ray."

Ray almost screams it out loud, his eyes widen instantly. He never expected something like this! He holds his breath.

"Hi Ray."
Ray instantly recognizes Eddy's teasing voice.

"WHAT?! NO WAY!!" His reaction can't be more enthusiastic.
He sort of falls off the counter and barely manages to land on his feet. He makes a very strange jump that the Ministry of Silly Walks would envy and he pumps his free hand in the air.
Then he suddenly realizes that he is way too loud for this godless hour and that he is in a hotel room and immediately lowers his voice.

"Now way! How splendid! Are you serious?! You both together?! When? How?"

"We'll tell you later when we meet face to face. The most important thing is that yes, we are together and won't let go anymore. Never. I thought you wanted to know."

"Well duh! Of course I want to know! I couldn't be more happy. Thank you so much for sharing. You make my day."

Ray hears both men laughing on the other side of the line.

"Thank you Ray. You are the best. About that sharing though... Do you have an extra room in that closet of yours? We would like to join you. We're not going to share our relationship with the world yet. We first want to discover for ourselves what we want."

"Of course, of course. You are more than welcome to hide with us for a while. Let's have a party in here. We'll make an extra room. Add a swimming pool. And maybe when the time is right we can let the world know. Together. That would be so nice."

"Thank you Ray. You really are the best. Now go back to bed again. Otherwise you will look like crap tomorrow and it will be on our heads. Give our love to Jordon."

Ray hears Eddy yell a 'Bye' before they hang up. He is so very pleased.
Finally! I don't think I'll be able to get this smile from my face for a long time, he thinks.
He tip toes back to the bedroom, crawls into bed next to his lover and kisses him.


"Shhhh. Sleep love. You don't know it yet, but tomorrow morning I'll make love to you for all I'm worth."

"Huh? Nizze... Okayzzzzz."
Ray chuckles and goes back to sleep again.

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