Chapter 1

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Author pov

It feels good when you sleep with someone you love... But when you know that he is cheating on someone with you...! That uncertainty in heart makes life hard... But
Here Y/n is having a sweet night with her boss knowing that he already has a happy married life but she keeps ignoring that part, just being a little selfish can make her happy...

Y/n pov

I love to be with him, I just love him so much I don't care what happens to another side as much as he loves me...

Author: does he love you?

''yes he does!''

but I don't know I keep pushing the reality away...

No one pov

''tomorrow there will be a new member in our company... He is the best designer here. He is coming from France'' Mr. Kiyoung said ''what can I do with him?'' You replied ''I'm just telling you... All you have to do is with me'' Mr. Kiyoung said as both of them played another round to make love...

After having a few rounds both of you became tired and slept in each other's arms... But as the hands of the clock went to 12 Mr. Kiyoung woke up, leaving his warm spot where he was sleeping. He redressed himself as you woke up... You didn't find his body next to you hence you sits on your bed, finding the figure of your love... You took the blanket and cover your naked body and went to the guest room where you saw your love well dressed as before... ''I love you'' you said and hugged him as Kiyoung turned towards you and kissed you passionately... He broke the kiss and went out of the room...

Author pov

You saw his figure getting vanish from your sight. Once again you expected that he will turn once and let his eyes meet yours but...

Y/n pov

Again! he didn't turn, he left me alone again... Did he love me or it's just a trap... A trap I made because of him for myself...


Yo guys! Long time! No see!
I'm uploading this chapter here. Soon I will post the second chapter. Till then have a great day. All the best........

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