Chapter 16

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Dawon pov

Even though I got hurt too much but my love for her stayed and I promised that even if I can't be her happiness I'll make her happy no matter what...

But after that, Hyojung get married to Mr. Kiyoung and went back to Korea. While I stayed in France. Of course, there wasn't a single night where I didn't think about her but what can I do? I started to work harder and harder just to forget her. That's how I became the best designer...

But it wasn't even a month without her. I decided to visit Korea because I want to see Hyojung, as I got a leave I came to Korea

At Night

Firstly I met Eunsang as he is the only one I know, we had dinner together where we talked a lot
"Are you over her?" Eunsang asked.. "of course, Hyojung pushed me away so I left her" I lied. "btw I'm happy to hear this but why did you come here?" Eunsang asked "just to meet you as there is no one I'm close with I missed you" I lied again.

"I'm not gonna lie but Hyojung was such a cruel woman. if she liked Mr. Kiyoung, she shouldn't have to accept your confession but to be honest she is paying for what she did" Eunsang said "paying?" I asked seriously "yes!she did that to you and now Mr. Kiyoung is having affair with another woman. She is also from my company." Eunsang said "how do you know" I asked as he simply said "she rejects every man who comes to her and I'm one of them. Yk she is the most beautiful and intelligent planner in our company you can call her perfect" Eunsang said "you seem like you know a lot about her" I replied as the flower of my hope started to bloom in my mind. After the dinner I left.

On the way to my place I called Hyojung and asked her, if she is free I would like to see her and she agreed.

The next day I went to meet her at Cafe... She seems beautiful as before. We talked about things and lastly. I told Hyojung about her husband but she kept denying it... "why are you ignoring the reality, ignoring the truth can never change it. Come back to me" I said but

Hyojung said "I love him and he loves me too. He took good care of me and spend quality time with me and I trust him, he comes home every night" she started to walk away. I let her go this time, because my words are worthless to her...

After a week it was the day for me to go back to France. I booked a cab and went to the airport but I received a call from none other than Hyojung... She was crying and saying "Dawon what will I do?" I asked her where she is and asked the driver to drop me there...

Soon I reached the destination and I saw Hyojung standing at the edge of the terrace. I run towards her and tries to stop her from jumping. I took her down from her waist and hug her for a moment...

I asked Hyojung to leave that guy, if he is hurting her this much but she replied that she prefers dying rather than having a life without him... She tried to get out of my grip but I hold her.. "stop it, you're hurting yourself from this" I said as she stopped at her place

"can you tell me do you ever loved me?...... What am I to you?" I asked "I love only him and you are just a close friend" she replied. I was a fool that I thought she have me somewhere in her heart. Soon her phone rang as she run towards it. The call was from her husband Mr. Kiyoung as she left me alone there once again. I realized that she is really obsessed with him and I have no chance with her... I decided to move on from her.

After that day I went back to France.
I work harder day by day and soon there was a competition as I was one of the best among all the designers, I was confident about winning first place. I worked hard and send my designs. But the result was unexpected... none of the designers won the competition, it was a planner who ranked first. I check the name and it was y/f/n the one Eunsang told me about the one who made me and especially Hyojung suffer...

That time I decided to take revenge and make y/f/n pay for the tears Hyojung wasted...

"I will tear you up Y/f/n..."


I have nothing to say here :)

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