Chapter 19

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3 days later

As usual, both you and Dawon went to the office...

Y/n Pov

I went office quite early as I have to complete this project today... Or you can say I just don't want to stay at home as it makes me remember the night with Dawon... I made myself a cup of coffee and went to my screen again... All I want is to forget about him.

As soon as I got my order list I gathers all the papers. As I was going to send it to the dealer but Eunsang came there and told me "y/n ssi the client wants to meet us" I gave him a nod and asked him for just 5 mins. Because I have to complete this order... I walk back to my desk as I saw Lia sitting at her desk "Lia can you help me with the order?" I asked. "I'm sorry Sunbaenim I have a meeting with Dawon sunbae" she replied.. "huh!" as I heard his name my brain stopped working and my heart started to beat fast. "I'm sorry I have to leave" Lia said and walked out.

I was finding someone to deal with this as I saw Jiwoo coming towards her desk so I called her "Jiwoo may you please order this list I have to go urgently" I asked as she nodded and soon I left with Eunsang for a meeting...

Time skip to evening... 7: 30

Author pov

You came back office as you have to complete all the designs regarding this project. You were completing the docs when Mr. Kiyoung called you, you nodded and followed him he took you to the meeting room. He let you enter and close the door at back...
Kiyoung: do you think about what I said that day?
Y/n: about what?
Kiyoung: about Lee Dawon!

You remember the last time at the company dinner and he told you to don't to be too close to Dawon.

Kiyoung: again I'm saying the same thing to stay away from him. He is the man who had a relationship with my wife.
Y/n: you know that Mrs. Kang had a relationship with Dawon?

*you asked in shock as you were not expecting him to know*

Kiyoung: yes I do
Y/n: then why you're not leaving her?

After staying quiet for a few minutes

Kiyoung: because I love her.

*he said which made you sad*

Kiyoung: but I love you too.
Y/n:  you keep staring at him. You never know he loves you too because he never said.
Y/n: I'm happy you told me this. Thank you so much.

*you said and bowed, left the room*

Y/n pov

After listening to him, I realized that I moved on from him, Dawon made me over him but I fell for him which was the hardest...

After this, I went back to work.


I miss Dawon :)

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