Chapter 14

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Author pov

While your eyes are stuck on Dawon, there are two other pairs of eyes watching you from different sides... Those eyes belong from non-other than Jiwoo and Mr. Kiyoung... Jiwoo was having a chuckle while on the other side Mr. Kiyoung was having a seriously worried look...

After all this time someone was standing there and calling your name "y/n!! Are you free rn?" the voice asked taking you out of your thoughts. The voice belongs from non-other than Eunsang, "y-yes I'm free" you replied. "so let's discuss our project" Eunsang said "yes of course" you replied as you went with him.

Y/n pov

I went to the meeting room with Eunsang as we both took our seats... I started to show him the papers "are you sad because of something?" Eunsang asked "huh! No, it's nothing like that" I said "but you're not ok" he said "no I'm fine.." I replied. "you're sad because you realize about Dawon" Eunsang said "but I'm still fine" I replied with a slight nod... "I already warned you about him... You don't know as much as I know about, I was, with him in France" he said but I stayed quiet "I quite already knew his plan, I don't know why you always choose problematic people first Mr. Kiyoung and now Dawon, oops sorry I already know about you and boss" Eunsang said. "it's ok" I said...

"back then I was so shocked that Dawon was engaged with Mrs. Kang even after their marriage. that time I told him that boss is dating someone I like" he said "what do you mean" I asked "sorry to start this thing, this must not the time to say this but I used to like you back then, but I never know he will do this with you" he said and waited for me to answer but I didn't say anything and lowed my head... "I don't think I should tell you this but...

Eunsang pov

I came back to the office as I forgot my keys at my table... I was going to my desk as I saw Dawon working on his desk I walked towards him as my eyes fell on what he was doing I saw him ruining the design you made for the year competition, he was doing it with full of rage, I don't feel like being there anymore so I left with my keys.

Pov ended

Authors pov

Eunsang said whatever he saw provoking your insecurity about how much Dawon hated you after listing all his words you doesn't feel like sitting there... As you excuses yourself and left the room

On the other side

Dawon and Lia went to meet Mr. Kim and had a meeting with him about their project... On the way back Lia said "I don't feel like y/n sunbae is fine". "she tried to hide something by lying" "lying?" Dawon questioned. "yes she said she watched 'love by chance' and the female lead's life made her cry but there is no such female lead as it is a bl series" Lia said making Dawon stop at his place "I think I should give her time or-" Lia was talking as she got a call and left...

Lia's words make him remind of all those things that happened "why" "why does everything have to end as this" Dawon said to himself...

Dawon Pov

Everything became clear. I ruined my own life by my own hands. I hurt y/n for someone who always used me and my love...

''Everything started before one year''


Next chapter will be past and from Dawon point of view.

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