Chapter 21

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You came out of the library and went to meet Eunsang...

Both of you decided the design as Eunsang asked you for dinner. And you agreed... Both of you left the office for dinner...

Dawon pov

*while walking home*

Once again I regret my action, why did that scene is showing up in front of my eyes. I regret not turning back and hugging her... Seeing her tears hurt me... I want to hug her and told her that I love her... And I'll protect her... But I can't say this to her with this face... I'm the one who hurt her the most...

I was in my thoughts while walking as I saw y/n and Eunsang together laughing, Y/n look kinda drunk so I walked toward them.

"Lee Dawon?" Eunsang said as he grip y/n by her waist. I bowed them good night and walk away. I was wrong, even after what I did, she is doing this. I can feel anger or you can call it jealousy.

I guess she must be happy with him, girls like someone who likes them more rather than them who hurt them the most. I hope she stays happy with Eunsang at least he is the one who thinks about her more than anyone... With this thought, I went home. Of course, it made me sad but if y/n is happy then I shouldn't have to chase her...

Y/n pov

I walk out of the restaurant I was quite drunk but I can walk. I was walking as Eunsang drip me. I guess I was losing balance that's why he helped me. I was watching my steps as I heard "Lee Dawon!" Eunsang said. As I heard that name my eyes started to find him. I turned and find him behind me. But as I saw him my body became numb as Eunsang grip me close to him.

I can see his straight face with those full of hate eyes piercing through me. He bowed us good night and left. I tried to stop him but Eunsang hugged me from the back. "Eunsang! What are you doing?" I asked... "don't go Y/n ssi..." he replied... "what?" I asked again... "why do you want him. can't you have me as you want him" he said but soon realized about what he said... He lose his grip and apologized for his words and went to take a taxi. As he left I turned back to see Dawon but he was nowhere to be found...

Soon I went home...

Next day

Day for finalizing design.



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