Chapter 25

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Author pov

Even though whatever happened between you and Dawon, still both of you are thinking about each other. But more in a negative way... Where on one side you is blaming yourself for letting him trap you in his sweet trap and on another side Dawon is blaming himself for making that trap... While having your pendant in his hand...

A Week later

Y/n pov

"It feels so good after completing the project" Eunsang said. "yes" I replied. "Our client was very happy with the design" Eunsang said... As I hummed... "I want to ask you something y/n" Eunsang said as he stop in front of me... "yes what is it?" I asked. "the yearly competition is going to start in a week and I had a deal with Dawon. If I won then he will forget you and never come back to you. Can you do this for me.. I'll make you happy I promise but can you forget him for me" he said but I stayed quiet because my brain stop working when I hear that name... "you don't have to answer now, I want your answer after the result.." Eunsang said and walked away.

Dawon pov

I was making my design as "are you preparing for the yearly competition?" Lia asked... "yes" I replied. "Eunsang sunbae is also taking part in it. I'm so excited about the result" Lia said as I slightly smiled.


At night

I was sitting on my bed thinking about Y/n. I just can't forgive myself for hurting her... The whole time I was thinking about her while having her pendant in my hand... I can't sleep... I was in my thoughts when I heard my phone ring. I pick my phone as I saw it's a call from Eunsang. He asked me to meet him at the station. I hung up and realized it was already morning so I get ready and went to see him...

"sorry for calling you this early" Eunsang said "it's OK tell me what do you want to talk" I asked... "I want to ask you to compete with me in this yearly competition. If I won you will forget y/n and never come back to her..." Eunsang said I accepted because I want y/n to be happy and have someone who loves her.

Flashback ends

Soon the day came to an end. As I was waiting for the lift that's when Mr. Kiyoung get in the lift with me I greeted him as he said "if you have time would you like to have dinner with me?" "yes sure" I replied...

He took me to a vintage restaurant... As we ordered food. "I want to say sorry to you" he said. "for what" I asked. "back then if I knew that you have a relationship my wife. I'll never step in between you two... It's my mistake and I want you to understand me" Mr. Kiyoung said. "it's nothing like that, Hyojung like you the most no matter what. She loves you from every part of her heart. I'm just an old friend." I said. "but I'm sorry that you suffered because of me" he apologized "I suffered because of my own mistakes... But if you feel too much guilty then help me with something" I said.


Okay so Mr. Ki young is fine man 😊

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