Chapter 26

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Next day

Y/n pov

I went to the office as usual. "Y/n sunbae?" Lia came to me. "yes Lia?" I asked. "yk Dawon sunbae went back to France last night... I don't know why so sudden, do you know anything about this?" Lia said. He went France back without even telling anyone I thought as I shooked my head to Lia as an answer...

It hurts but it's better this way I guess. Maybe he was just a temporary person in my life but he played a big role... I'm thankful for him as well as angry. I think I should give my life a new start... Where someone named Dawon doesn't exist...

After few hours of working. Mr. Kiyoung called me. I went to the meeting room with him. I close the door at the back as I always do... He took an envelope out of his coat and put that on the table... "Dawon asked me to give you this" he said. I opened the envelope and saw the pendant that I forgot at his place. I still remember everything we had but it's no more. "be happy with Eunsang! That's all Dawon said." Mr. Kiyoung told me. "he gave me the freedom I deserve and I am fine now, I'm happy! Thank you for everything" I said and walk back to my desk...

I understand as there are no more those things, there is no more Dawon. After knowing about Eunsang, I think I should give him a chance, maybe I fall. Well, I still have time till the result day. I put on a bright smile on my face and get back to work...

Next day

I came office and I greeted everyone, Mr. Kiyoung called me and I went to his cabin which was on the right side. He gave me another project and this time it's a restaurant it seems interesting. I came to my desk to put my coat back. As I saw Lia sitting at her desk smiling brightly as always.

"Hey, Lia! There is no tragedic life of a female lead I mean there is no female lead in 'love by chance' sorry for that" I said and went to ask Eunsang about the project as he is the best designer here. "Eunsang ssi~ would you like to have this project with me" I said. "why not" he said and bowed like I'm a queen and he is under me... We decided to discuss our project after lunch.

Time skip to after lunch.

Author pov

While you and Eunsang were discussing the project someone was staring at you... As you catch, Jiwoo staring at your direction... Jiwoo quickly changes her sight.

Even you ignored it but there is something you need to know.


She needs to know the reason why Jiwoo did all those things.

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