Chapter 24

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Dawon pov

"Eunsang I'm sorry" I said as I bowed. "sometimes you act kinda weird, but what are you apologizing for?" Eunsang asked. "actually I came here to destroy y/n, but I guess I end up hurting you" I said as Eunsang seems out of a clue. "I never told anyone about my reasons to come back here but somehow Hyojung got to know about my plan. And it was because of....... You" I said. Making Eunsang quite shocked.


"Jiwoo! Are you busy right now?" Eunsang asked. "No! What do you want?" Jiwoo replied. "can you do me a favor?" Eunsang asked. "Yes! tell me if I can do it. I will" Jiwoo replied. "You must have Mrs. Kang's phone number. Can you call her and tell her that Dawon is back and he might hurt Mr. Kiyoung" Eunsang said. "What does Dawon have to do with Kiyoung Oppa's wife, why will he hurt Oppa?" Jiwoo asked. "You will get to know about this, first call her" Eunsang said.

Jiwoo to Hyojung on call

~Hello! It's Jiwoo here! I want to tell you that Lee Dawon came back and it seems like he knows about Kiyoung Oppa's affair and I guess he is going to do something to him~

Flashback end

Dawon: and on that day when Hyojung came to meet me at the station you left y/n there when she hugged me, it was you right?

Eunsang pov

"y/n ssi wait downstairs, I forgot my card at my desk" I said as I went back.
Y/n went down when she saw Dawon hugging Hyojung. I stayed behind the poll seeing everything clearly as I saw Y/n running out of the station crying.

Flashback end

Dawon: that day when I and Y/n met Mr. Kiyoung and Hyojung together it was also planned by you. Right?

Eunsang pov

"Mr. Kiyoung! I have these tickets my friend gave me but I have a meeting so I can't attend the show" I said as I gave tickets for the theater play to him... "the show is at 2 pm" I told him and he thanked me.

"hey, Dawon are you free tomorrow?" I asked. "yes! I am... why?" Dawon replied. "I have these tickets but unfortunately I can't go so you can have them... The show is at 2 pm, enjoy the theater play" I told Dawon as he accepted the tickets.

Flashback end

Author pov

"you did all of that! Why?" Dawon asked... Eunsang grips him by his collar "you asshole! You came to destroy her. To destroy the one I love but you stole her heart, after knowing that I love her" Eunsang said gripping Dawon by the collar. Dawon stayed quiet "because of your plans I have to do this to keep Y/n away from you because I don't want to lose this chance for making her mine..." Eunsang confessed...

"can you stop interfering-" Eunsang got cut off by Dawon "don't worry!.... Just take care of Y/n. I know you love her the most and no one can love her this way. Even though she hates me the most" Dawon said making Eunsang shocked, he was expecting him to argue... "anyway I'm going to leave for France soon" Dawon said while taking Eunsang's hand away from his collar.

A few hours later

Dawon pov

I went back to the office as it was lunchtime, so no one was at their desk except Y/n...... I went to her "y/f/n Mr. Park's design is done would you like to go there with me" I asked. She agreed...

At Mr. Park's residence

Y/n pov

Dawon was showing me the house as he took me to that part which is designed by me... "this is great, isn't it?" Dawon said while sliding the curtains. I don't know but I can't remove my eyes from him. He is that man I want, my ideal type... "Mr. Park liked this part the most" Dawon said but I was in my thoughts. "I like this man" these words kept roaming in my mind...

"y/n!" Dawon called taking me out of my thoughts. "yes" I said.
"I want to tell you something! I hope you stay happy...... Stay happy with Eunsang" Dawon said making me confused... "Eunsang loves you the most and he will make you happy, please love him back" Dawon said and left me...

I don't know how to react to this, whatever he said is uncomfortable. I don't feel good about his words. He seems different from other times. I don't feel like he ever liked me. All those days to keep predicting that he must be ignoring me because he doesn't want to hurt me but this time he proved that he never loved me.

As always I feel like I'm the most idiotic person in this world. The one who keeps falling into traps made by the same person...
I hate myself here... His words made me tear up...


Do think this part is confusing?
There are lots of flashbacks please don't get confused.

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