Chapter 23

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Next day

Lia pov

I was at Mr. Kim's office checking the recent designs as I saw Dawon sunbae spacing out I called him twice but he didn't reply so I waved my hands in front of him as he quickly noticed it... "Are you ok?" I asked him. He slightly nodded with a smile... "Btw see the picture from Mr. Park's house you did great work, he said he liked this part the most" I said... "this part is not designed by me" Dawon said "so.... is it by y/n sunbae?" I asked "yes" and he replied... "btw are you not going to tell sunbae?" I asked as.


2 days ago

At the office

He was talking with Eunsang "I'm going back to France after this week" Dawon said. "Why so soon you came here for 6 or 8 months it's not even 4 months" Eunsang said. "I will compete this project then I will go back" Dawon replied. "I guess no more Dawon hours" Eunsang said. "Can you not tell this to Y/n? Just one favor." Dawon said.

Flashback ends

"Why are you hiding this from her" I asked again but he stayed quiet.. "do you like her" I asked. "what" he said. "because she like you too" I replied. "but this doesn't matter now, I hurt her a lot" he said...

"but according to me you should tell he about this if you like her this much, if I were y/n sunbae, I'll surely try to understand you" I replied. "don't you think pushing her away can't solve this and specially with Eunsang Sunbae" I told him...

Dawon pov

"don't you think pushing her away can't solve this and specially with Eunsang Sunbae" Lia said. Making me realize something I can never expect.

As soon as possible I completed my work and went back to the office. I directly went to the terrace as I got to know Eunsang must be there. I slowly opened the door and entered the terrace, trying not to get noticed. I walked to Eunsang as he was talking on his phone...

Eunsang pov

I was talking to Jiwoo and she told me

Jiwoo: I don't know but the damage got fixed by Dawon

Before I can say anything.

Jiwoo: I got it. I'm sorry maybe I did a mistake
Eunsang: no there is nothing like this-

I noticed that Dawon is standing at my back.

Eunsang: OK I'll talk to you later

hung up the call.

I turned to Dawon and thanked him for fixing the damage.
"Eunsang I'm sorry" Dawon said as he bowed. "sometimes you act kinda weird, but what are you apologizing for?" Eunsang asked. "actually I came here to destroy-.......


Good night everyone! Next part will come soon.

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