Chapter 6

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After some time you excused yourself for the washroom...

Dawon pov

Everyone was having fun as I saw y/n looking very stressed as Mr. Kiyoung asked something and she replied him with a smile...
I was trying to read her face as "do you have any girlfriend?" Jiwoo my colleague asked. "no" I replied with a soft smile.. "it's can't be possible for a man like you" she said as he hit me on the shoulder playfully... Everyone started to talk about me being single as I saw y/n leaving the room... I excused myself and followed her. I stepped into the gallery and I saw her at the end standing by the wall... Having disturbed expressions, it looks like she is fighting with her inner self... So I went to her...

Author pov...

You were standing there as Dawon reached you... "you're going again?" Dawon said, taking your attention to him... You tried to ignore him and walk away but Dawon trapped you between the wall and his hands.. "what do you think you are doing?" You asked with furious expressions "you should do what I've said to you" Dawon said making his face close to you. "you shouldn't have to step in my life" you said. "I will" Dawon said as he crashed his lips onto yours. You didn't reply but stayed still.. "what are you doing?" You said as you pushed Dawon away... Without thinking Dawon again kissed you and this time you can't resist him so you kissed back. After a deep kiss "I'm coming to your home tonight" Dawon said... "huh!" sound left your mouth not believing what he said "I'm serious I'll go to your home tonight" Dawon said and left you alone there...

Y/n pov

"I'm serious I'll go to your home tonight" Dawon said and left... These words keep wondering in my mind.. "sunbaenim!... Sunbaenim.." Lia said. As I hummed in answer, "you're spacing out here?" Lia said and giggled "no it's not like that I'm just tired" I said and went to take my stuff and as soon as I can I left the restaurant

At home

I changed my clothes freshen up and lay down on my bed as I took a deep breath. I feel guilty for lying to the boss... He must be hurt by my rejection. I never said no to him... Should I call him? No, I guess not today I will talk tomorrow. I closed my eyes as the same face from before came. I suddenly opened my eyes. His face and his words keep repeating in my mind... I can't stop thinking about him...

I was busy thinking about Dawon as the doorbell rang...

I went to the door and opened it wondering who is this... "you? Why are you here?" I said but he pushed me aside and entered the house.


Have a great day 😁

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