Chapter 27

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Three months later

Y/n pov

I'm at the restaurant with Eunsang. This is the restaurant we designed and we frequently come here... As today. We are having dinner...

I'm doing well! Like really a lot. I can feel happiness in myself. I don't regret anything anymore...

"y/n?" Eunsang said taking me out of my thoughts, I hummed in reply. "tomorrow is the day I waited for..." Eunsang said. "what's so exciting about tomorrow?" I asked having another bite of my meal.

"tomorrow we going to have a yearly competition result. I don't know if you remember it or not. You promised that you'll choose one from me and Dawon" Eunsang said.

D-Dawon? It's been a long time since I heard this name but still, my heart stops when I hear this name, even though memories and emotions are still there but he is not, and I won't regret it... He also deserves a happy life...

Next day

Jiwoo pov

As I reach the office I saw everyone was cheering for Eunsang. I already know that he will win the competition against Dawon. I started to walk towards Eunsang as he was staring at my side before I can say anything "Y/n! I won the competition?" Eunsang said to Y/n who was going to her desk at back.

I really can't bear this anymore... I can't just see the one I like, is madly in love with someone else... Why is this happening? I started to tear up so I run out of the room and went to the terrace...

Y/n pov

"y/n I won the competition?" Eunsang said as I congratulate him on his success. I saw Jiwoo running out with tears in her eyes. I followed her and found her standing at the corner of the terrace. I walk to her "Jiwoo!Eunsang is the person you like??" I asked... As she turned towards me.. "very slow! Isn't it obvious... Or I guess you just ignored it..." Jiwoo said sarcastically. "so he is the reason why you did all that" I asked "I like him from my first day here but he always has eyes for you and I don't regret any of my actions" Jiwoo said. I kept asking for forgiveness...

"don't you feel how Eunsang won this competition against Dawon?" Jiwoo said... "what do you mean?" I asked, "so you haven't seen the design of Dawon?" Jiwoo told me. As I run back to my desk and check the list. I typed Lee Dawon's name but all I can see is a big disqualified next to his name. I can't believe a designer like him can be disqualified. In no time I searched to check his design as I saw he designed a rocking chair-like bed. That's when my heart stops...

I was having lots of mixed emotions... Does it mean all the time he was thinking about me?..... Does it mean he loves me but still left me for my well?... Does he really- as my thoughts got interrupted "how can someone make a design like this?" Eunsang said. I stayed quiet... "even how can Dawon make such type of design..." Eunsang said provoking me...

"does it means-" I said but got cut off by Eunsang "yes he made this design because of you and he loved you..." he said. I have no words to say... "here take it" Eunsang said handing over an envelope. Without saying a word I stare at him... "take it! It's a gift from me" Eunsang said. I took the envelope from his hand and opened the envelope and saw a plane ticket from Korea to France. After seeing the tickets I wasn't able to stop those tears...

"are you crying? Don't cry. Go to your love. I know I can never defeat him" Eunsang said in a sad tone. "don't cry or I'll start crying... I knew it before that's why I'm gifting you this... Don't waste time and go or you will miss the flight" Eunsang said.

I thanked him and gather my stuff as soon as I can, I left the office. I went home and packed my essentials and the clothes I can wear there... Soon in a couple of hours, I'm done with packing. I still have 3 hours. One hour for getting ready and checking and the other two hours to reach the airport...

I got ready and checked everything I locked my house and went to the lobby and called the cab. It was 10 mins away. So I waited there... I was checking my purse as I run back to my apartment...

I opened the door and went to the drawer and I saw that. The handkerchief Dawon gave me, that's the first time he showed some sympathy towards me... That was the start of me liking him... I was in my thoughts as I receive a call from a cab driver and went down after locking everything... And soon went to the airport.


What do you think gonna happen when she will reach France?

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