Chapter 4

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Next day

Everyone is working as you decided to talk to Dawon about our project. You went to Dawon's desk with the file. "can we talk about our project" you asked as Dawon nodded. Both of you went to the meeting room. "I've already completed the design just check it..." Dawon said... "you can't do this, you can't complete this without my choice" you said. "you just have to write then do it" "ik what Mr. Kim will like" Dawon argued "but this is wrong. wait! if you're doing this because of yesterday's matter, then it's nothing have to do with that" you replied "don't be hysterical... I wanted to do it by myself" Dawon said... "why are you doing this to me?" You said "because I hate you" Dawon said. You stayed quiet as you don't want to argue more... Dawon gave his iPad to you "just check it once if you want to change something then let me know"  You checked Dawon's designs and it was great this is the first time you have ever seen a great designer.. "change glass from wood" you said... "ok let's bare each other till this contract" you said and left the room

At meeting

Y/n pov

After waiting a few mins Mr. Kim arrived both me and Dawon stood up and greeted him "omg what I just saw! Dawon is back?" Mr. Kim said and hugged him... This time Dawon seems friendly at first he looks rude... But the meeting went well as Mr. Kim saw Dawon, without hesitation, he gave all the work to us, now we have to do it on our choice good!... Even he asked us to have dinner with him

At restaurant ~

We ordered food and had wine... Mr. Kim and Dawon are talking and I'm just listening to them. Mr. Kim is a friendly and funny person whereas Dawon talks less and is kinda rude...
"Are you still with that girl?" Mr. Kim asked with quite a slow voice...
"no, we broke up" Dawon replied. "I thought you gonna marry her!" Mr. Kim said "yes but she got married and has a happy life" Dawon said.. "miss y/n?" Mr. Kim called me "yes!" I replied, "are you single?" Mr. Kim asked "huh" I didn't expect him to ask that "really you're! I think you and Dawon will make a great pair" Mr. Kim said, "no it's not like that!" I said.. "yes she has someone she loves" Dawon said as I eyed him... "oh really can I see his pic" Mr. Kim asked.. "no there is nothing like this" I replied

Soon meeting ended it became dark outside...


Yo everyone how are you all?
I'm so tired... 😅
Have a great day 😁

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