Chapter 29

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6 months later

You still work in the Korean branch online way as your partner is Eunsang so he did all the things there. You waited for your transfer.

Dawon pov

It's almost 6 months now I'm living with Y/n and this year was my life's best time. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.... "sir here is your order" my thoughts got interrupted. I thank them and took the pack from them and went back. I planned to propose to her today. I already booked a fancy restaurant for our dinner.

On my way back to the office, I called y/n and told her to get ready and we are having our dinner somewhere else tonight.....

After reaching the office I received a call from Eunsang he told me Y/n is getting the transferred to the France branch.

I got so happy, now finally we can work together... I waited for my time to end. I want to hug her.


I left the office and brought a bouquet of tulips on way to the restaurant...

I reached the restaurant before time and waited for her... Soon she joined me. I greeted her with a bouquet... She thanked me and we ordered our dinner.

Y/n pov

I reached the restaurant and asked for a booked table with the name Dawon and a waiter guide me towards the table. The restaurant is so beautiful I was watching its single design. Which looks quite similar...

I saw Dawon sitting near the huge glass window having a bouquet of tulips...
I went to him as he gave me the bouquet and hugged me... he offered me the seat in front of him. As I took the seat...
We ordered our food "btw is there something special today?" I asked. "every day is special when you're with me" Dawon said and both of us laugh at his cheesy line.

Soon we received our order and we enjoyed our food. We paid the bill and Dawon took me to a viewpoint near the restaurant "why are we here?" I asked. "today is the sky cracker show" Dawon replied. "it's the same as we had in Korea?" I asked, he nodded.

Soon the show started. I was so mesmerized by the view. I didn't notice Dawon, so he tapped my shoulder as I turned to him and saw him standing with a box having rings. My heart started to beat fast. I can understand the situation but my heart and mind are not in my control.

Dawon pov

I saw Y/n staring at me blankly I can see her face with was shocked seeing me with rings...

"Y/n! We are living together for 6 months, I feel happy when I see you. Next to me every morning. A smile spread over my face when you smile. I always thought that I will never have someone who will choose me over everyone but I was wrong. I found you, you were the only one who chose me over everything. And I'm thankful... Just the way you came here from Korea without even thinking about how I will react. Just the way you always see me when I was in Korea with you. Would you like to live the rest of your life with me? Would you like to be my last and forever one... Will you give me chance to love you and show my love to you every day, every hour, every minute?" I said as I faced her she was tearing up.

I went to hug her as she buried her face in my chest. "D-Dawon!" she said as I hummed... "how can I forgive you for that" she said. "I'm sorry for everything. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you're the best one me. You complete me" I said with a worried face...

She grabbed my face "I will not forgive you for stealing my heart" she said and laughed seeing my worried face... I thought that she is still hurt because of me... "you scared me" I said with a chuckle...

"but I really. I can't say no, especially those words you said with sincerity" she said and I hugged her tightly "I'll never let you go. Let's have a happy life" I said and stayed there for a few more moments

Author pov

They had one of their happiest night. And the rest of their life they stayed together by each other's side...

I hope I can also have someone who will choose me over everyone and everything...


Thank you so much for reading this. I'm glad that you choose this book to read.

I hope you all enjoyed this.
Let's see when I'll meet you again.

Let's meet again with a new story. Till then take care of yourself and be happy...


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