Chapter 3

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Next day ~ at the office

You reached the office as you got called by Mr. Kiyoung... You went to his cabin as you saw the new designer Lee Dawon there, you don't know why you got called but you went in...
"miss y/n you and Dawon will do Mr. Kim's project together" Mr. Kiyoung said. "yes sir" "I understand" you and Dawon said "you have your meeting tomorrow evening with Mr. Kim...." Mr. Kiyoung said "yes sir" both of you said and bowed "you can leave now" Mr. Kiyoung said as both of you went to your places

Author's pov

a few hours later

You're working as "y/n meet me in the library!" Mr. Kiyoung ordered "yes" you replied as you followed him. He took you to the corner shelf. At last, he stopped facing the wall as you stopped at his back. He turned towards you with a smirk on his face as he pulled you and pinned you to the wall. He attack your lips... He kissed you as it got deeper and deeper..... You broke the kiss as you lack oxygen, you were breathing heavily as he went down to your neck finding your soft spot... As he found it he started to suck it. Which made you leave moan. to stop that thirsty voice you put your hand on your mouth... After a few more mins Mr. Kiyoung left you. And still at last he didn't turn toward you

Y/n pov

He didn't turn right! Huh! I think as my Insecurity started to take over me as I slide down on the floor by the wall...
"I'm happy as he loves me, I don't care about his other life till he is giving his love to me..." I said to myself but...
"do you think this is right?"

Dawon pov

I came to the library to check some documents about my project... I was reading the catalog when I heard some weird voice from the back. I put the book back and started to walk towards the sound... I stayed at the back as I seek another side of the shelf. I saw Y/f/n and Mr. Kiyoung making out. you can say that they ruined my day but what to do... Finally boss left as I came out. I saw her sitting on the floor "do you think this is right?" I said knowing that Mr. Kiyoung has a wife who loves him the most...

No one's pov

The unexpected Presence of Dawon and the words "do you think this is right?" made you shocked. You get up "what do you mean?" you asked while buttoning your shirt and setting yourself "yk I'll not tell this to anyone but you know what I mean... He has a wife you should not do this with him" Dawon said. "you should not step into others life" you said. "aren't you doing the same?" Dawon argued "you better not tell this to anyone" you said and started to walk towards the door. "before going out hide that with makeup" Dawon said while eyeing the hickey you have...

Here is the chapter 3... I'm sorry for the delay I was just going through something... Well that's weird 😬.
But you all keep going. Have a great day. Eat well, sleep well, and stay warm it's mid October and starting of cold weather...
Take care.

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