Chapter 5

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Author pov

As you drank a lot, you wasn't able to walk as Dawon was walking with you... After exiting the restaurant Dawon and you bit goodbye to Mr. Kim and left. While walking with Dawon. Your loses her balance as Dawon catches you... "you are such a troublesome" "you're big enough to know your alcohol tolerance" Dawon said "it's because of you... Because you started to say such things.." You replied "why! If that's not wrong, then why are you ignoring that, if you think you're right, then why running away?" Dawon asked "why do you have to step into my life like this.." You said "yk that you always a second option for the boss but you still ignoring that, yk he is just playing monopoly with you but you still denying." Dawon said as you started to tear up. the reality you kept ignoring to make yourself smile now can't be unseen  "so what can I do" you said "I know you love him with your whole heart but he's just playing with you... You should understand. You should break up with him" Dawon said and gave his handkerchief to you. You took it from him as Dawon took one step closer to you "I usually hate you-" Dawon said. "you hate me this much?" You asked.. "huh! Just wipe that liquid from your eyes" Dawon said "that's called tears" you replied...

After this you and Dawon, both went home
All night you keep thinking about him...
He was something who was needed but how to have it...

The next day it is going to be a company party as Mr. Kiyoung is giving a party to celebrate the big deal he got...

At party

Everyone was enjoying themselves there...

As you and Lia were sitting with Mr. Kiyoung at the corner table and all the other employees from the company were sitting at the side table...

Everyone was drinking and having fun, joking around while you still fighting with you heart and brain... "boss can I order more drinks for us?" Lia asked "yes! Why not!" said as Lia left to order leaving you and Mr. Kiyoung alone...
"y/n!" Mr. Kiyoung called, you hummed in answer "let's go at our place after this party" Mr. Kiyoung asked... You doesn't know what to reply, you're still fighting with your inner self... "Y/n! Are you going to reply or not" Mr. Kiyoung asked. "huh....... Yyy-no I'm sorry b-but I'm tired today, I-" "it's ok you go home and rest well" you said but got cut by Mr. Kiyoung... You nodded and started to eat. After some time you excused yourself to the wash room...


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