Chapter 28

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Y/n pov

After reaching the airport, I did all the formalities and went on the flight... The whole time on the flight I keep smiling, that I'm doing something I love.

After traveling for 13 hours or more I got there, I was so tired and had nowhere to go as it was already evening time... I remember Eunsang gave me the address of Dawon's office so I just hired a taxi and went to his office... I don't know if I will reach there in time. But I hope I do.

Dawon pov

It's been 3 months since I came back but since the day I came back, I never contacted anyone there not even Eunsang... I miss Y/n every day but she doesn't deserve me. I gave her too much pain, she deserves someone who can love her... After knowing I can never have her... Or after knowing she has someone like Eunsang to love her, she will never gonna choose me... But I miss her. I want to hug her and hold her. All of her warmth vanished from me and I miss her touch...

I was at my desk working when I saw the clock it was already 8:00 pm I got up and packed my stuff and left the office.
I went downstairs. I was checking my pocket if I have my card or not as I found that in my overcoat. I took out my wallet. But my eyes captured something unexpected as my hand lose it's grip on my wallet...

Author pov

Dawon rubbed his eyes thinking that this must be his imagination. But it's not "what are you doing here?" Dawon asked the figure standing in front of him. "I don't worry what people will think but I want to be selfish for the rest of my life" the person in front said as they run toward Dawon and hugged him tightly...

"Y/n-" your name left Dawon's mouth... You broke the hug and said... "today I'll go to your place, and I'm serious this time" while gripping Dawon's coat. Just in the same way Dawon told you... Both of you laughed in each other's arms as Dawon hugged you as he misses you the most.

Your reunion went so well and you started to live with him.



Well there is one more chapter.

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