Chapter 15

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I was newly transferred to France and meeting Mr. Kiyoung at the head office... That was the first time I encountered Hyojung (Mrs. Kang) and I fell for her at first sight... She use to work as a waitress at the cafe...

I used to go there every day more than once... Even many times I talked to her but never got the courage to ask her out. But one day! I talked to Eunsang about her as he was there longer than me and he asked me to don't do it but I was so in love that I ignored everything... I unseen everything that was so obvious...

Finally one day I asked Hyojung out and she accepted my confession. We both started to see each other and started a new love life... I never noticed that she always ignore my touch and never kiss me... I always thought that she isn't ready for any of this but there was something else...

One night

I got a call from her she was crying... Without wasting any second I went to her place leaving everything behind...

Soon I was at her door when Hyojung opened the door as she hugged me... She cried in my embrace, she drank a lot. This was the first time she showed me this side of her... I was worried as I carried her to her bed... Both of us were on the bed while I was hugging her and caressing her hair, after a while she stopped crying and turned to me.

I wipe her tears as she kissed me, at first it was shocking because she always ignores me when I try to kiss... But I went with the flow and the atmosphere started to heat up... Soon the kiss turned into a Makeout session. My love was dripping out with my every touch I was so into her that I didn't notice that she moaned a name other than mine...

The whole night went very warmly as I filled her with my love and we slept together

Next morning

I woke up smiling but I realized that I'm alone and there is no sign of Hyojung... I got up and clean the mess. I was confused that it was still early but she left me like this... I went back to my place...

After that day I tried to contact Hyojung but there was no sign of her... Even I went to her friends but they were not been in contact with her for months... There wasn't a place where I didn't go for her but she was nowhere.

We dated for less than a month but now it's more than a month without her...
I was alone all those nights,

After two months

I was sleeplessly waiting for her as the sun Crack through the window it was another morning.

I got up from the bed as I heard my phone ring it was an unknown number usually don't pick up an unknown call but I don't know why my every part of my body was telling me to pick up. Hence I did, as a sweet voice came from the other side. The voice I was waiting to hear.

I wasn't able to say a single word as I hung up and ran out of my house to the place where I asked her out, at her favorite beach... Soon I reached there I saw Hyojung standing at the end I ran towards her and hugged her from the back she stayed straight having her back towards me...

I kept hugging her till she pull back. I caressed her hair and asked her where she was as she took my hand in her hands from her face... A tear rolled down her cheeks as Hyojung said 'sorry-' I stayed quiet because it doesn't feel right.. "sorry I used you, you don't deserve me" I don't know what to say as I was confused but still I tried to comfort her...

"I made you suffer" Hyojung said as she faced me I shooked my head as she said "let me tell you why I came here after two months and where I was all these days"

I stayed quiet and let her complete her words... "all those days we spend together was just a play to make Mr. Kiyoung jealous" Hyojung said as I remember last time, when we were together she moaned Mr. Kiyoung's name, not mine. soon everything come out when she confessed it all on her own.

Hyojung told me that she never loved me and she accepted to go out with me just to make the Mr. Kiyoung jealous and I was never in her heart... Even how much I tried but she can never love me in the way she loves Mr. Kiyoung. She apologizes for her mistake and walks away...

I grab her wrist and pull her in my embrace and asked her "still can't you feel my love" but she just stayed quiet. I kept asking and reminding her about every moment we spent together even that night but she didn't show any emotion... I was so blind in love that I wasn't able to accept that spoken truth...

Soon Hyojung pulled back and asked me to never show my face to her again and with those hurtful words she left me there crying...


OKAY SHE WAS BIT RUDE TO HIM. But it's just a ffs. So it's fine I guess.

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