Chapter 11

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"where were you I was finding you?" he said. you pulled out of the hug and saw his face it was Dawon, you can't believe your eyes... while "let's go" Dawon said as he grabbed your hand and both of you walked together
Dawon took you to his favorite 5-star restaurant. He offered you a seat and you thanked him as he took his seat in front...
"yk this restaurant is designed by me" Dawon said
"aren't you in France all the time" you asked
"yes I was but this was the last design I did before getting transferred to France" Dawon said making you wow

Finally, your order arrived and both of you were enjoying your meal... "did you break up with Mr. Kiyoung?" Dawon asked without eye contact... "why so sudden" you asked with an awkward laugh. As you started to eat again... With a blank face, Dawon faced you... You saw his face and "I did-" said.
"My place is near" Dawon said
"what do you mean?" You asked
Dawon came near your ear and said "let's have a drink at my place. I want to give you prizes... I want to hug you tonight"

He took you to his home after the meal

At home

He let you in and said "feel comfortable here". He offered you to sit on the couch as you sat in the corner...

He took off his coat and hang it on the chair. He went to the kitchen and pick two wine glasses and came back to you, he pull the wine bottle out of the drawer and serve it well...

He took a seat next to you and offered you a glass of wine. You took it from him, you can see his eyes full of lust and a smirk on his lips.

In the next 15 minutes, both of you finished the wine bottle, most of the wine was drunk by you but still, you're not that dull as you have good alcohol tolerance...

You gather the wine bottle and your glass and took the wine glass from Dawon's hand and stood up to place those things in the kitchen.

Dawon grabbed your hand and pull you towards himself leaving those glasses and bottles on the table...

In the next second, you're sitting on his lap...
Your breath became heavy and your heart started to race. "I haven't given you the prize for what you did" he whispered.

"D-Dawon-..." you said but Dawon shut you up with a kiss...
at first, you were shocked and your eyes were big open as you didn't expect this... But you started to enjoy his touch and went with the flow. He put his hand on your nap and let you lay on his couch. He untie his tie and went to the top of you... He slips the strand of your hair behind your ears to get a clear view of your neck.

18+ ⚠ (I'm so sorry soft stans, you can leave it here please skip to next chapter. If you're a hard stan go on don't stop)

He kissed you passionately and went down to your neck. He kisses you all over your neck as you wimp, "walls of my room are thin please don't be too loud" Dawon said with the same straight emotions as you nodded.

He went back to your neck as he found your soft spot and started to suck on it. "mmmh" as you moan. But you block your mouth with your hand just to not make it loud.

He tried to unbutton your shirt as he saw your face for your permission, and you nodded.

He remove your shirt and left you in your bra and skirt... He started to kiss your whole body and touch you everywhere...

His touch doesn't feel like lust or something, you're feeling comfortable under his touch and that's how you didn't stop him... "D-Dawon mmmmh" you said and Dawon hummed "I-I t-think we-e shou-uld go-o t-to bed" you said...

Dawon came up to your face and kiss you deeply, and stood up, he carried you in bridal style to his room and both of you had a few rounds there...


Yo how are you doing everyone?
I'm fine here. My college reopened today but I don't want to go. May be I'll start from Monday or may from next month. Till then you all enjoy your day.

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