Chapter 8

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After having a hard night both of you became tired and slept in each others embrace...

Early morning

Dawon woke up... And dressed himself up... While Dawon was buttoning his shirt and you woke up... You sat on your place and stared at him till he became fully dressed... Dawon was setting his hair as he noticed you are awake... Dawon went to you and "do you remember what I said last night?" he said and you nodded "good then, do what I've said"

At night

After kissing you deeply "you chose me so you will break up with your boss? Am I right?" Dawon said... Making you stop at your spot... You nodded not knowing what can happen...

Flashback end

You remember his words from last night and nodded... "please keep your promise" Dawon said as he picks his bag and started to walk towards the door... But as he reached the door he turned to you and spare the last sight...

Y/n pov

I nodded as I still remember last night. It was the best night I ever had... I didn't feel like it was just a play... I felt love in his touch... But what is his intention why he is doing this to me? Why does he want to break me and Mr. Kiyoung... I was busy thinking about him and he was going out... But before going out he stopped at his spot and turned back just to see me... And exited the room... He did it... He turns around... Where Mr. Kiyoung never turns back... I felt something weird.

Authors pov

At office

You were at your desk working on some stuff when Mr. Kiyoung came "y/n meet me at the library" he ordered.. "yes sir" you said and followed him. On the way to the library you saw Dawon standing with Inseong, he made eye contact with you to read your face but you were too fast...

At library

Mr. Kiyoung took you to that usual corner of the room... And kissed you but you blocked his touch.. "why? What's wrong?" He asked "I can't do this anymore, pretending that you love me when you already have someone in your life" you said "but I love you" he replied. "then why don't you leave your wife" you questioned... "I can't! Because I love her too" he replied... "ok then let's end it here I can't live like a toy anymore.." You said as the boss left the room...


I never know it will turn this way btw... 😅

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