Chapter Ten

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Aroon stood on the balcony overlooking the garden. He felt out of place in this big mansion. He did try to get some sleep but he felt restless and lonely. So he decided to get some fresh air to calm down.


He turns around and smiles seeing Mrs.Ja standing behind him with his lunch.

Aunt Ja: It's time for your lunch dear.

Aroon: Can you join me Aunty Ja. I don't like to eat alone.

Aunt Ja: Hmm

They decide to sit at the table in the balcony so that they can enjoy the view.

Aroon: Aunty

Aunt Ja: Hmm

Aroon: How long have you known Mr.Ananada?

Aunt Ja: All his life. I was his grandpa's housekeeper. When his mother became pregnant, I took care of her needs. After he was born, I became his nanny. Since then, I have been with him.

Aroon: How was he as a child?

Aunt Ja: Very active, bubbly and cheerful child, always filled with laughter.

Aroon: But I hardly see him smile or show any emotions.

Aunt Ja let's out a sigh.

Aunt Ja: Young master hardly stayed with his parents as they were busy with their jobs. Initially he was okay and spend his time with his grandpa and us. But as he grew older, he missed his parents on all his important occasions unlike his friends whose parents were always there to encourage them. He tried to talk to them but they always dismissed him saying they are busy. Things took a turn for the worst when young master fell sick in the last year of his high school and his parents did not even bother to come visit him in the hospital. That day, his heart broke completely and he turned himself into a cold hearted person. He never let anyone come near him except his grandfather, his bestfriends and a few trusted people. He broke all ties with his parents and never talked to them after that day.

Aroon could feel the love and concern Aunt Ja had for Atid. He felt bad for Atid because he could not even imagine the loneliness that he might have gone through as a child. He himself had a happy childhood with his mom and sister eventhough they did not have much money.

Aunt Ja: He puts up this brave and I don't care attitude but that child is lonely and sad. I have seen him sitting in a corner alone and sad, brooding over something. I just wish someone would come into life that can bring back my cheerful and naughty Atid who was full of life.

Aroon did not notice Aunty Ja's eyes on him as she spoke those last words.

Aroon: Aunty, you should not worry so much. I am sure someone is out there who will love Mr.Chanthara unconditionally. The first time I met him, I felt like he is in pain and he is hiding it from everyone.  His eyes were fierce but there was a warmth in them that felt comfortable and soothing. In the last couple of hours I spend with him, I felt those kindness and care. So, I am sure one day someone will come into his life who will accept him and love him unconditionally.

Aunt Ja: That person is already here.

Aroon: Huh?

Aunt Ja: You understand him better than anyone else in such a short time. I could see a glimpse of my innocent and caring young master when he was taking care of you. Can you please help him smile again?

Aroon: Aunty, I....I am just a trainee in his company. He didn't even know of my existence till yesterday. How can I...

Aunt Ja: Just be there for him when he needs someone. Be his friend.

Aroon: I...I cannot promise you anything but I will try.

Aunt Ja: That is good enough for now.

Aroon nods his head and continues eating his lunch. After he finish eating, Aunt Ja collects the dishes to wash.

Aunt Ja: You can rest until young master comes back.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon lays down on the bed after Aunty exits the room. He lies down thinking about his conversation with Aunt Ja. He didn't know how to get close to Atid when he has built such high walls around him. He tosses and turns around trying to get some sleep but unable to do so.

"Why are you so restless?"

Aroon gets startled on hearing that voice. He looks up and is surprised to see Atid standing in his room .

Aroon: are early.

Atid: My meeting got canceled, so I came to check on you.

Aroon: Oh!!!

Atid: How are you feeling now?

Aroon: Okay, I am feeling Okay.

Atid: Then why do you look so restless?

Aroon: I...

Atid: Are you uncomfortable being here in my house or are you uncomfortable because of my presence?

Aroon: NO...I mean, I am not feeling uncomfortable. I just don't know how to thank you for all that you did for me Mr.Chanthara.

Atid: A simple thank you is enough. I didn't do anything that is extraordinary. To protect all my employees is my duty.

Aroon: Hmm..Thank you.

Atid: Hmm

There is complete silence in the room.

Atid: He will no longer bother you.

Aroon: Huh?

Atid: Josh..I mean Mr. Rattane has been fired. He will no longer harass you or anyone else in future.

Aroon looks at Atid in shock.

Aroon: You fired him?

Atid: He deserved it. We confronted him about your complaint but he denied as expected. But we had the proof and he had to concede to his mistakes. He was fired with immediate effect.

Aroon remains silent for a few seconds and then looks at Atid with a smile.

Aroon: Thank you Mr.Chanthara.

Atid just nods his head and does not say anything. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Atid looks behind and see Niran standing at the door.

Niran: Sir, I came to get Aroon to go home.

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: I am ready to go Niran. I just need to get my bag.

Niran: Okay

Aroon gets his bag and then starts walking towards the door. As he approaches the place where Atid is standing, his feet slow down and they finally stop before him. Aroon looks at Atid who is looking elsewhere as if avoiding eye contact with him. Aroon doesn't know what came over him but he places a chaste kiss on Atid's cheek.

Aroon: Thank you. Thank you for everything.

Aroon runs away from there while Atid stands there like a statue unable to process what just happened.

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