Chapter Forty

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Aroon is lying on Atid's chest, tracing patterns on his chest with his fingers while Atid had his fingers running through Aroon's hair.

Aroon: P

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: Lunch break is long over. Niran and Kiet would be searching for me.

Atid: Just sent them a message that you left early as you are not feeling well.

Aroon: What if they come to check on me?

Atid: Tell them you are going to sleep  now and that you will meet them tomorrow.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon picks his phone and sents out message to both his friends. He then keeps his phone aside and snuggles back into Atid's chest. A smile appears on Atid's face as he wraps his arm possessively around Aroon's waist.

Atid: Let's get some sleep kitten. I will drop you home after some time.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon closes his eyes and soon drifts into deep sleep.

Meanwhile somewhere else in the office:

Niran: Did you get the message?

Kiet: Hmm

Niran: I think something is bothering him since morning. We should have taken him with us for lunch.

Kiet: Hmm. We will talk to him tomorrow.

Niran: I guess that's the only option we have since he said he want to rest today.

They both agree to talk to Niran first thing in the morning. Then they got back to their work.

It's almost the end of office hours and Atid looks at Aroon who is sleeping peacefully in his arms. He didn't want to wake him up but he need to sent him home as it is getting late.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Wake up kitten. It's time to go home.

Aroon: 5 minutes more.

Atid smiles and let's him sleep for some more time. After some time his phone starts ringing and it is a call from Chai. That's when he remember that he has to meet them for drinks.

Atid: Shit.

He quickly picks up the call.

Chai: Where are you moron? We are waiting for you at the club.

Atid: I am on my way. I am stuck in traffic.

Chai: Come soon.

He disconnects the call after that.

Atid: Aroon, baby, please wake up na

Aroon opens his eyes and yawns. He then stretches his body like a cat. Atid's heart skips a beat as Aroon's shirt raises and fair of skin around his waist is shown. He stretchs his hand to touch him but stops himself midway. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe to compose himself.

Atid: Kitten, freshen up fast. I need to meet Chai and Mek after dropping you home.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon gets out of the bed and then goes to the washroom to freshen up. Then they leave the office through the back door without anyone noticing them. Atid and Aroon gets into Atid's car and they drive away from there.

The car is filled with a comfortable silence, the only being the soft music playing in the background.

Aroon: PAtid

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: Why did you ask me not to tell my friends about our relationship?

Atid: It's nothing serious kitten. I just love the secret romance between us. It's just a matter of 2 days. We will reveal our relationship on the day of our engagement.

Aroon: OK. By the way, where are you meeting your friends?

Atid: At the Black Dragon club.

Aroon's face changes on hearing the name of the club. All the unpleasant memories flash through his mind. He shuts his eyes tight to block those memories but the pain in his heart did not decrease.

Atid looks in Aroon's direction on not receiving any response. He is shocked to see Aroon's tear stricken face. He quickly parks the car on the side of the road and looks at Aroon.

Atid: Kitten, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt somewhere?

Aroon nods his head.

Atid: Where?

He does not say anything and just points towards his heart. Atid quickly removes both their seatbekts and pulls Aroon onto his lap facing him. He is now straddling Atid lap. Atid gently grabs his face and raises his head to look into his eyes.

Atid: Now tell me, what's wrong?

Aroon: I...I hate that club. You....

Atid remembers his last encounters with Aroon in the club and he understands the reason for those tears.

Aroon: Will you turn back into that cold person and ignore me again?

Atid feels guilty thinking about how much his past actions have hurt Aroon.

Atid: No, I can never go back to being that Atid again. Not after knowing what it means to love you and be loved by you. I am sorry Kitten for causing you so much pain. But I promise you, I am yours and will always be your until my last breathe.

Aroon let's out a breathe that he didn't know he was holding. Atid's words healed the old wounds in his heart.

Aroon: I love you PAtid. Please don't let go off my hand.

Atid places a chaste kiss on Aroon's lips.

Atid: I love you too my kitten. I will never let you go.

After Aroon calms down, they continue the drive towards his home. Soon they reach the destination. Aroon looks at Atid who is already looking at him with a smile.

Aroon: I need to go.

Atid: Hmm. I will call you later.

Aroon: OK. Don't drink too much.

Atid shows an OK sign.

Aroon: And no flirting, not even a smile towards other girls and boys.

Atid laughs hearing Aroon threatening voice.

Aroon: I am not joking. If I come to know you ignored my warning, I will claw your eyes and cut your d**k.

Atid gulps on hearing Aroon's fierce tone.

Atid: Yes baby. I will maintain a distance of 1 metre from everyone.

Aroon: Good

Aroon grabs Atid's collar and pulls him forward into a hard kiss. He then gets out of the car and walks away without looking back.

Atid: My Fiesty kitten is so hot. Need to go before my junior waked up. Atid quickly drives away from there.

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