Chapter Forty Seven

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Atid stood before Mr.Chanthara with an unreadable expression while Aroon is fidgeting with his hands. Atid holds his hand and rubs his thumb on it gently.

Atid: Relax.

Aroon looks at Atid and he feels his heart rate going back to normal. A small smile appears on his face.

Mr.Chanthara: So what brings you both here? If it's to cancel the engagement, then it's a big No.

The old man looks at the two people before him with a stern expression.

Atid: Yes, we are here to cancel the engagement.

Mr.Chanthara: WHAT?

Atid: Please let me finish before you come to any conclusions.

Mr.Chanthara: Speak, I am listening.

Atid: We want to cancel the engagement because we want to directly get married tomorrow.

Mr.Chanthara: No, how can we do this at such a short notice. We have only invited close family members because we thought we will arrange a grand wedding.  No this is not possible.

Atid takes a deep breathe and looks at his grandpa directly.

Atid: Grandpa, either you allow us to get married tomorrow or we will elope.

Mr.Chanthara: ATID

Atid: What? You wanted me to get married and now that I have agreed, what are you waiting for?

Mr.Chanthara: I am happy with your decision but...

"Let him get married dad."

Atid looks at his father who has beeb sitting quietly in the room till now.

Mr.Chanthara: But Narong...

Atid's dad: He is in love and is scared of losing him. This marriage is an assurance for him that Aroon will not leave him.

Mr.Chanthara looks at his son and then at the two boys standing before him holding each other's hand tightly. He let's out a sigh in defeat.

Mr.Chanthara: OK. You can get married tomorrow.

A huge smile appears on Atid's face. He runs and hugs his grandfather.

Atid: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you grandpa.

Mr.Chanthara chuckles and flicks Atid's forehead.

Atid: Ouch

Mr.Chanthara: I love you too you little devil.

Aroon looks at this cute little interaction with a smile on his face. Mr.Chanthara looks at him and signals him to come forward.

Mr.Chanthara: Come here my boy.

Aroon is pulled into Mr.Chanthara's arms along with Atid for a tight hug.
Mr.Chanthara breaks the hug and looks at Aroon with a smile. He then kisses his forehead and looks at him with a fond smile.

Mr.Chanthara: Thank you for bringing a smile on this little devils face. He may look arrogant and cold outside but he has a heart of gold.

Aroon: I know and I promise to take good care of it Grandpa.

Mr.Chanthara: I know you will. God bless you both.

Aroon: Thank you.

Atid: I will take your leave now grandpa. I need to send Aroon home before going home.

Mr.Chanthara: Hmm. Drive safe.

Aroon: Bye Grandpa. Bye Dad.

Atid: Bye Grandpa. I will see you tomorrow.

Mr.Chanthara nods his head. Atid looks at his dad but does not say anything. A sad smile appears on Narong's face. Atid holds Aroon's hand and starts walking towards the door but stops just before stepping out of the door. He turns around and looks at his dad who is looking down.

Atid: Thank you Dad.

Narong jerks his head up in shock, unable to believe what he just heard. He looks Atid who is still looking at him but there is a smile on his face.

Narong: I...You...You are welcome son.

Atid: I will see you tomorrow at the wedding.

Narong nods his head. Atid feels a gentle squeeze on his hand and he looks at Aroon who is looking at him with a smile.

Aroon: I am proud of you. I love you.

Atid: Hmm. I love you too.

They exits the room with a smile on their faces.

Narong looks at his father with tears in his eyes but this time they are tears of happiness.

Narong: He...he spoke to me. My son spoke to me dad. Atid...

Narong is so overwhelmed by happiness that he could not speak properly. His comes near him and hugs him.

Mr.Chanthara: Yes Narong, your son spoke to you. His hatred has started to melt. Thank God for bringing Aroon into his life.

Narong: You are right Dad. That was one of the decisions we took for him.

Narong gets up and starts walking quickly towards the door.

Mr.Chanthara: Where are you going?

Narong: Did you forget? Tomorrow is the wedding. There is so much to do.

Mr.Chanthara: You are right. Let me first call Mrs.Ananada and tell her about the change in plans.

Narong: Hmm. I will check the decorations and catering.

Mr.Chanthara: OK.

Mr.Chanthara takes his phone to call Mrs.Ananada while Narong rushes to the venue.

Meanwhile Atid and Aroon are standing outside Aroon's house.

Aroon: I am nervous. Will mom agree to this request?

Atid: We will try. I am sure we can convince them.

Aroon: But...

Before he could say anything further, the main door opens and Mr.Ananada along with Anong rushes outside.

Aroon's mom: Oh, Thank God you are here. Come, let's go.

Aroon: Where?

Aroon's mom: Well, you are getting married tomorrow,  you need to be decked up. We need to get you to the parlour.

Aroon: But mom..

Aroon's mom: We also need to get ourselves pampered. Afterall we are groom's mom and sister.

Aroon's mom pulls him to the car followed by Anong.

Aroon's mom: We will see you tomorrow at the wedding Atid. Bye, bye.

All three of them get into the car and drive away, leaving behind a stunned looking Atid.

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