Chapter Forty One

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Atid enters the club and looks around for his two idiots. The club is a bit crowded, so it takes some time to find them.

Mek: Hey Atid. Herr.

Atid looks in the direction of the voice and find Mek and Chai seated on a couch in a less crowded corner. Atid towards them with a smile. He then flops down on the seat opposite to them.

Chai: Why are you late you moron?

Atid: Unlike you, I have a business to run.

Chai: Really? But I heard you cancelled all your appointments today. Where the hell were you?

Atid just shrugs and takes a sip from his glass.

Atid: I had to meet an important client.

Chai: I don't believe you.

Atid: Suit yourself. I just told the truth.

He then continues enjoying his drink. He then looks at his other bestfriend who was already staring at him with an unreadable expression.

Atid: What?

Mek: You look different today?

Atid: Huh?

Mek: There is a unusual glint in your eyes.

Atid: It's nothing. I am same old Atid.

Mek does not say anything and just sips his drink enjoying the music. Suddenly a girl approaches the table with a seductive smile.

Chai: Someone's going to get lucky today.

Chai looks at Atid with a smirk while Mek has a frown in his face. The girl comes and sits beside Atid and smiles at him seductively.

Girl: Hello Handsome.

Atid looks at her with a blank expression and continues drinking from his glass. The girl then slowly moves closer and links her arms around his neck and purrs like a kitten. Atid looks at her once and then removes her arms harshly. He then finishes his drink in one go and gets up from the couch.

Atid: I will call it a night.

Chai: But...

Atid throws a card on the table and looks at his friends with a smile.

Atid: Drinks are on me. Enjoy yourself night. Bye

Atid walks out of the club without looking back once. Chai looks at Mek in shock.

Chai: Did he just...

Mek: Hmm

A smile appears on his face as he enjoys his drink.

The girl who was trying to seduce Atid now sets her eyes on Chai. She goes and sits on the armrest of his seat and gives her slutty smile.

Girl: Hey baby.

Chai looks at the girl who is now leaning dangerously close to him.

Girl: Let's go somewhere quite and enjoy the night.

Chai: I...


A shiver runs down Chai's body on hearing that old and angry voice calling his name. He turns around and see his very angry looking husband giving him murderous look.

Chai: Kiet

Kiet walks briskly towards Chai clenching his fist while a worried Niran follows him.

Kiet: So, this is having a few drinks with friends.

Chai: I...

Girl: Who the hell are you and why are you shouting at my baby?

Kiet: Baby?

Kiet looks at Chai with jaws clenched in anger.

Chai: Kiet, listen to me...

Kiet does not listen to him and looks at the girl who is still sitting beside Chai.

Kiet: Look batch, I don't know who you are but the one you are stuck on to like leech is my husband. So fuck off before I lose my mind.

The girl looks at Kiet in horror. She quickly runs away from there.

Kiet: And you Mr.Chai Wong, find yourself some place to sleep because you are banned from entering our house.

Chai: Baby...

Kiet does not listen to him and walks out of the club in anger. Chai looks at Mek and Niran and then runs behind Kiet.

Mek: Poor Chai.

Niran: Really?

Mek looks at Niran who is throwing daggers at him.

Mek: I..I didn't ...

Niran: Flirting with women while your husband is waiting for you at home is okay for you?

Mek: No, I didn't mean it like that love.

Niran: Looks like you would have enjoyed her company if she had approached you instead of PChai.

Mek: No, please don't say that. I didn't even look at her once.

Niran: Oh, you are sad that you couldn't see her face.

Mek: Niran, I never said thar baby. I was just saying thar I will not look at anyone except you.

Niran shrugs and looks away in anger. Mek comes close to him and wraps his arms around his waist and puts his chin on his shoulder.

Mek: You know I only love you Niran. I never slept with anyone even when you were not in my life. Now that I have you, why would I even think of someone else. I love you too much to take the risk of losing you.

Niran's eyes softens on hearing Mek's words and he leans back to rest his head on Mek's chest.

Niran: You won't leave me na PMek.

Mek: Never.

Niran: You will only love Niran?

Mek: Ofcourse, P loves only Niran.

Niran: Then prove that.

Mek looks at Niran curiously.

Niran turns around and brings his mouth close to Mek's ear and whispers.

Niran: Make love to me. Make me yours and be mine forever.

Mek pushes Niran away from him and looks at him with lust filled eyes. He does not say anything and just drags Niran out of the club.

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