Chapter fourteen

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Atid enters his condo, throws his car keys on the table and drops down on the couch. He felt drained from all the events of the day. He is physically and emotionally exhausted. Aroon's tear stricken face kept haunting him. He gets up and walks towards the bar and grabs a bottle of whiskey. He does not bother to get a glass and starts drinking from the bottle directly. He drank until he passed out on the couch.

Atid didn't know when sleep took over him but something woke him up. He tries to open his eyes but he groans as his head feels heavy. Suddenly he hears the doorbell ringing continuously and someone knocking on the door hard. He gets up from the couch and makes it to the door with difficulty. He opens the door and is greeted by a tight slap on his face. He looks at the person standing before him in shock as all his hangover goes away with that slap.

Atid: Grandpa

Grandpa: How dare you? How dare you ruin our family reputation, sleeping around like a slut?

Atid looks at his grandfather unable to process anything. A newspaper is thrown on his face as his grandpa walks into his house. He looks at the paper and is shocked to see the photo of him kissing Aroon published in the paper. Thankfully, Aroon face was away from the camera.

Grandpa: I am aware of all your sexual exploits but haven't I made it clear that you need to be discreet since you are the CEO of Chanthara Technologies. Still you dare to show yourself with a slut in the public.


Atid's grandpa is stunned by his outburst.

Atid: I....I am sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you. But please don't call him such demeaning names. He is not like that. He...

Atid's grandpa looks at him expecting him to explain his sudden outburst but does not get any word out of his mouth.

Grandpa: Bring him home.

Atid: Huh?

Grandpa: Bring that boy whom you are defending so much.

Atid: But...

Grandpa: Bring that guy home to meet your family or get ready to go on a blind date that your parents have arranged for you.

Atid looks at his grandfather in horror.

Atid: Blind date?

Grandpa: You are the face of our business. I cannot let you leave a loose life and taint out reputation. So your parents and I have decided to get you married. So, it's time to decide if you want to bring that guy, who is your choice home or get married to the girl of our choice.

His grandpa walks out of the condo without looking back, leaving a stunned Atid behind. He finally came to senses when he heard his phone ringing. He quickly answers the call as it is from Mek.

Atid: Hello

Mek: Hello Atid. Are you Okay? I saw the newspaper. You...

Atid: Can you meet me now? I need to discuss something important.

Mek: Hmm, okay. I will there in 20.

Atid: Hmm

After some time:

Mek looks at Atid who is sitting before him fidgeting with his hands.

Mek: What is on your mind? How do you want to handle this situation?

Atid: I don't know. I don't want to get married. I don't want to hurt anyone especially him.

Mek: Why do you care for him so much?

Atid: I don't know. Every time I look at him, something inside me wants to protect him, keep him safe from the outside world.

Mek: Then why did you hurt him?

Atid looks at Mek in shock.

Mek: I am not blind Atid. I saw everything that happened between you in the club, including his tears and the restlessness it caused you. Why did not act like a jerk when you care so much?

Atid: Because I want to keep him away from me. I am bad news Mek. My presence in his life will only bring him pain. I don't want to hurt him.

Mek: What if your presence is what he is looking for? What if he is your salvation, the remedy for all your pain?

Atid does not say anything for some time.

Atid: No, I can't get him involved in my disastrous life. I am not meant for relationship. He need someone who can love him unconditionally and I am not the one for him.

Mek: So, you will agree to go on a blind date your parents arranged?

Atid: Yes

Mek: Atid

Atid: That's the only solution here.

Mek sighs as he sees the determined look on his friend's face.

Mek (in mind): You don't know what you are losing my friend. I hope you realize it before it's too late.

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