Chapter Nineteen

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Atid: Save yourself before It's too late. You have got 30 days to end this drama called marriage because the day you say I do, I could say welcome to hell.

Fear grips Aroon's heart at those cold and threatening words but he composes himself and looks into those fierce eyes with a calm expression and replies.

Aroon: I am ready for the hell if it's with you.

Atid looks at Aroon in shock unable to process what he just heard. But soon he composes himself and a smirk appears on his face.

Atid: If this is a revenge for rejecting you the other night, then you are in trouble Mr.Ananada. I rejected you because you are not my type. A nerd like you is not worth even a one night stand.

Atid saw a pain flash in Aroon's eyes on hearing his words but soon its replaced by a smile.

Aroon: Why don't try this nerd for a change? Maybe you will find things that will surprise you.

Atid: I am not interested in anything that is forced on me. This marriage is just a compromise that I accepted for my grandpa. If you can't accept that reality, you are free to go. I am sure they will find a replacement as this is just an arranged marriage and the person who I marry to does not make any difference to me. I do not believe in love and everyone comes into your life for some selfish motive.

Aroon does not say anything and is lost in his thoughts for a minute.

Aroon: Since the identity of the person who you marry is insignificant for you, it shouldn't matter if I am that person. I believe in unconditional love and that everyone in this world deserves to be loved by someone, no matter who they are.

Atid: Unconditional love,huh?

Atid scoffs looking at Aroon.

Atid: If you believe in unconditional love, why don't you back out from this marriage when you know that's what I want?

Aroon: Because this involves the happiness of many other people I love, like my mom, my sister, grandpa, Mama Aom. I cannot destroy their happiness even if it means facing your hatred.

Atid: What about my happiness? I don't want to be stuck with you for a lifetime.

Aroon's heart hurts hearing Atid's words but he does not show it on his face.

Aroon: What is your happiness?

Atid: My freedom, my unrestrained life.

Aroon: This marriage is not an end of your freedom. You can live your life as you wish if that brings you happiness.

Atid smirks and moves close to Aroon and whispers in his ears.

Atid: Even my one night stands?

Aroon's heart clenches in his chest but he still smiles.

Aroon: Yes, if that's what freedom and happiness means to you.

Atid looks at Aroon in shock, unable to believe his ears.

Atid(in mind): Did he just agree to me having one night stands?

Atid:  What type of person let's their husband cheat on them? What exactly are your motives behind this marriage? Are you in this for fame and money?

Aroon does not say anything and just stands there looking down. Atid's anger raises as he takes his silence for yes.

Atid: How deceiving can looks be? I thought you are an innocent, kind hearted person. But no, you are just like all the gold diggers who always approach me for money. But mind it Mr.Ananada, you are not going to gain a penny from me.

Aroon still does not say anything.

Atid: You are such a good actor that you convinced by grandpa with your act of innocence. But now, this marriage will occur only if you sign a prenup agreeing to my terms. You have two options, sign it or back out from the marriage. You decide.

Atid says that and starts walking away from there.

Aroon: I will sign the prenup.

Atid turns around so quickly that he felt like his neck could have snapped.

Atid: WHAT?

Aroon: I agree to all your conditions.

Atid: You don't even..

Aroon: Doesn't matter. I am Okay with whatever you want.

Atid looks at Aroon fot a few seconds but he avoids his eyes.

Atid: I will contact my attorney and draw the prenup. We will then meet to discuss the agreement before signing it.

Aroon nods his head and then walks away from there without even looking back once.

Atid: What the hell is going on in his mind? Why is so desperate to get married? Whatever it is, I will not let anyone control my life. Let's see how you fare when you see my terms and conditions.

Atid walks away from there shaking his head.

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