Chapter Thirty Five

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Aroon stood before the mirror looking at himself.

Aroon: Don't you think it's a bit too much.

Niran: Well, it's not our fault that your fiancee is deaf and blind in his ego.

Aroon: NIRAN

Niran: What?

Aroon: Stop saying nonsense about PAtid.

Niran: You are already taking his side and you will just forget your bestfriend when you get married to Mr.Arrogant.

Aroon: Yaa, I told you to stop calling him names and stop being so dramatic.

Niran goes and stands in a corner and pretends to sulk while Aroon looks at him with a smile. Aroon goes towards him and hugs him from the back.

Aroon: Niran, please don't be angry with your Oon. I love you naa. Please help me. Please, please, please.

Niran looks at Aroon who is giving him puppy eyes and a smile starts appearing on his face.

Niran: Hmm

"You guys are cute."

Aroon and Niran gets startled and let go off each other on hearing a voice next to them. They look at Mek who is standing before them with a smile on his smile. They had totally forgotten him in their bickering.

Aroon: Sorry PMek, you had to bear with out idiotic acts.

Mek: No, it's okay. You guys remind me of Atid, Chai and me when we were in college. Atid used to be a drama queen like your friend.

Aroon: Really?

Mek: Hmm. He may act like cold hearted, arrogant jerk before others but when he is with us, he is a spoilt child who loves to get pampered. I will show you something but don't tell anyone about it, especially that fierce eyed monster.

Niran starts laughing on hearing Mek's calling Atid a monster.

Aroon: Niran

Niran: Yaa, why are you scolding me. It is PMek who called him names. I just laughed.

Aroon glares at him and Niran just smiles like an idiot.

Mek: Here, look at this.

Mek shows a photo on his phone and Aroon looks at in shock.

Mek shows a photo on his phone and Aroon looks at in shock

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Niran: Oh my God, I can't believe this. Can a monster pout so cute?

As those words came out of his mouth, he felt his head getting smacked hard.

Niran: Ouch. Why did you smack me  Oon?

Aroon: I told you not to call him weird names.

Niran: I was saying he looked cute.

Aroon: You called him a monster.

Niran: If he keeps snarling and try to bite off peoples head, what else to call him?

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