Chapter Thirteen

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Atid stood looking at empty space where Aroon stood a few seconds back. He could not understand what is happening to him. He wanted him to go away from him but now that it has happened, he is having an uneasy feeling in his heart. He decided to ignore this feeling and sat down on the couch having his drink. He could feel eyes on him as his friends looked at him, waiting for an answer but he chose to remain silent. He also saw them looking at the girl on his lap in disgust as she tried to get his attention by running her hand on his bare chest. He gulped his drink in one shot and then stood up suddenly, making the girl on his lap land on the ground with a thud.

Girl: Ouch

Atid: I am tired and need some sleep. I will go home first.

He walks away from their without even looking at the girl while his friends stare in his direction with worried glances.

Meanwhile outside the club:

Aroon ran out of the club and crouched down in a dimly lit corner outside the club. He could understand why his heart was in so much pain. He could feel wetness on his cheeks as tears start pouring down his eyes.

Aroon: Why do I feel so bad seeing him with someone else? He knew Atid is just his boss who did not know about his existence until few days back. He knew that Atid is a cold hearted casanova. But it still hurt to see him kiss someone else. What is this feeling?

Suddenly someone grabs his hands and pulls him up. He raises his head in fear and he is shocked to see Atid standing before him, looking at him with blood shot eyes.

Aroon: Siiir

Atid does not say anything and just tightens his hold on Aroon's arms. Aroon hisses in pain as his nails dig into his arms.

Aroon: Sir, please let me go. It hurts.

A tear drops from his eyes. Atid looks at him with guilt and let go of his arm immediately. He then turns around and walks away from there. His feet were unsteady and he swayed from left to right. His vision started to get blurred and next moment he lost his footage and falls face down. He closes his eyes tight, waiting to hit the ground but nothing happens. He opens his eyes to find a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, preventing him from hitting the ground. Those arms pull him up and he is now standing straight, looking into those pair of innocent brown eyes that he has been trying to block since yesterday.

Aroon: Sir, are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? Sir, Sir, Si...

Atid could not hear anything Aroon was saying. His mind was in haze and his eyes are focused on the rosy, plump lips before him. Before he could stop himself, he grabs Aroon's nape and pulls him forward, crashing their lips together. He nibbles and bites those plump lips harshly, eliciting a moan from his mouth. He ends the kiss with a pop and then looks at the boy standing before him with dazed eyes, swollen lips and laboured breath. He wanted to kiss him, make him moan his name, wreck havoc on his body. He holds his hand and pulls him towards his car and throws him on the backseat of his car. He then gets on top of him and starts nibbling and biting him on his neck, shoulder and chest harshly. Atid rips open his shirt and places more bite marks on his body as low moans escape Aroon's mouth. Atid's hand catches hold of the waistband of his jeans and starts to open the button but a hand on his hand stops him. He looks up and is stunned to see anxiety and fear in Aroon's eyes.

Aroon: I...I have never...

Atid felt like cold water was splashed on his face. He could not believe that he almost took away the first time of this innocent boy in such an animalistic way. He hated himself for being such a cold hearted jerk. He pulls away from Aroon and gets out of the car immediately.

Atid: Get out.

Aroon looks at Atid in shock, hearing his cold voice. He quickly scrambles out of the car, holding on to the pieces of what is left of his shirt. He stands there looking down unable to meet Atid's eyes. Suddenly a jacket is thrown in his direction.

Atid: Wear that.

Aroon wears it in silence.

Atid: Get in the car.

Aroon does not say anything and just gets into the car holding on to the jacket tightly.

Atid: Where is your home?

Aroon: Ekamai Road.

Atid starts his car and drives to Ekamai road. After 20 minutes, they finally reach Aroon's house. Aroon quickly removes his seatbelt and opens the door to exit the car but is stopped by a hand holding his wrist. He looks at Atid who is looking at him with a cold expression.

Atid: Forget everything that happened between us. It was just the alcohol that made me act like. Or else I wouldn't even...

Aroon could feel the disgust in Atid's voice. Aroon could no longer take it and he just dashes out of the car without saying a word.

Atid's POV:

Atid watches Aroon wipe his tears as he walks away from there hastily. Atid felt disgusted by himself for hurting the innocent soul with his words. He hits his head on the steering wheel in frustration. He let's out a sigh and drives away from there to his condo.

Aroon's POV:

Aroon enters his house and runs upstairs into his room. He closes the door behind him and slids down the door as tears flow down his eyes.

Aroon: He hates me. He hates me. He hates me so much.

He cries his heart out as the pain he felt was unbearable.

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