Chapter Twenty

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Mek was feeling dizzy watching Atid walking to and fro talking to himself.

Atid: He is so....He agreed to sign the prenup....he is ok with my one night stands...he is ok with me cheating on him. What kind of person agrees to all these?

Mek: What are you upset about Atid? Is it because he agreed to the marriage or is it because he is not bothered by your one night stands?

Atid does not say anything and just continues pacing up and down. Mek loses his patience and just pulls him down on the couch next to him.

Atid: Hey....

Mek: Shut up and sit put for a second.

Atid shrugs but does not move from the couch.

Mek: Let's get things right. You agreed for an arranged marriage and Aroon turned out to be your future husband. You warned him that you do not believe in love but he was ok with it. He also agreed to sign prenup with you absurd conditions.

Atid nods his head.

Mek: Then what exactly is your problem.

"He is afraid he will fall in love with his future husband. "

Both Atid and Mek look at the source of sound who was none other than their bestfriend Chai who was sitting in a corner busy with his phone.

Atid: What the hell are you saying? You don't even know what we are talking about.

Chai: Just because I am on the phone does not mean that I do not know what is happening around me. You are so agitated because you are afraid you will lose your heart to him.

Atid: Bullshit. You are just blabbering nonsense.

Chai: Really?

Atid: Yes.

Chai: Then prove me wrong.

Atid: How?

Chai: Get married to him.

Atid: But

Chai: He is offering the perfect marriage that you wanted. No commitments or tie ups. You are free to do whatever you want and your family will no longer pester you about your single life. It is an ideal solution for you unless

Atid raises his eyebrows.

Chai: Unless you are afraid of falling in love with him.


Chai: Then prove it.

Chai looks at Atid with a sly smile daring him to accept the challenge.

Atid: I accept your challenge. I will get married to him and prove that no one can own my heart. No one.

Atid storms out of the room leaving his two friends behind.

Mek: What the hell Chai? Why did you provoke him?

Chai: Because that what he needed. Now he will do anything to stop the marriage.

Mek: But what if it backfires. You know he hate to lose a challenge.

Chai: But he lost this a long time ago.

Mek: Huh

Chai: He is in love with that boy since the day he laid his eyes on him.

Mek: He is a casanova.

Chai: He could have had his way with him the other day in the club. But we both saw what happened that night.


Mek and Chai looks at Atid's back as he hurriedly walks out of the club. Their eyes then falls on the girl who is lying on the ground groaning in pain. Chai helps her to get up while she curses Atid. They apologize to her before she leaves from there.

Chai: What the hell was that?

Mek: I am not sure. But I think it has got something to do with that boy who saved Atid from getting beaten last time.

Chai: Hmm, I think you are right. He has been eyeing him since the time he entered the club. His mood changed when some approached that boy.

Mek: I think we need to talk to him. Let's check if he left.

Chai and Mek goes of the club and looks around. Then their eyes fall on a couple who was indulged in a hot kiss.

Chai: Well, someone is going to get banged today.

Mek: Chai

Chai looks at Mek apologetically. But their words get stuck in their throat the next second on seeing that the kissing couple is none other than their bestfriend and the cute boy at bar. As they watch him from far, they see Atid dragging the boy towards his car and throwing him on the backseat. Atid then gets inside and soon the air is filled with their moaning sound.

Chai: Shit

Mek: I think we need to leave.

As they were about to leave from there,  they see Atid get out of the car followed by the boy. The boy's shirt was completely open but rest of the clothes were intact. He was standing before Atid with his head bent low. Atid gives him his jacket and then they both get into the car and drive away from there.
Mek and Chai were curious as to what was happening. So they followed them. Soon they reach a residential area where the boy gets down and walks towards a house while Atid drives away from there.

Chai: Did Atid just ....

Mek nods his head.

Flashback ends.

Chai: He not only stopped himself from having one night stand with the boy, he also dropped him home. It just shows that the boy means a lot more than a one night stand for him.

Mek nods his head.

Chai: All he needs is a chance. A chance to experience unconditional love. This marriage is that chance for him. He will never give in willingly. So I just used the language he understands, a language of challenge.

Mek smiles and looks at his friend.

Mek: When did my stupid and goofy friend become so intelligent?

Chai: I was always smart but just acted like an idiot so that you guys don't feel inferior to me.

Mek smacks his head and rolls his eyes.

Mek: Just when I thought you have grown some brains, you say something like this.

Chai: Mek, I am going to go dumb if you keep hitting my head like this.

Mek: Don't worry about that. You cannot be more dumb than this.

Chai looks at Mek with a pout while Mek starts laughing.

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