3. nick

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I woke up to the sound of giggling next to me. I slowly opened my eyes thinking about the previous day. Oh no. It was the day of the movie thing with harry. Ugh. I turned my head and saw jade with a big smile tapping on her phone.

"What's going on?" I asked her, sitting up but feeling really tired since I didn't sleep well at all.

She totally ignored me and kept texting whoever she was texting. "Hello?" I said.
"Oh I'm sorry goodmorning babe." Jade said happily.

"Who are you texting this early?" I asked her realizing it wasn't even 8 am. "Zayn." She said as she started blushing. Ofcourse, what a dumb question.

I actually liked the fact that she was talking to a guy like zayn. The things she told me about him and the way he acted the day before. He seemed like a nice guy.

I was happy for her, she deserved to meet someone like Zayn and I'm sure he deserved to meet someone like her.

"Does he really make you that happy?" I asked her raising my eyebrows. "Yes he does soph, yes he does." She said turning her phone off and looking at me.

"Are you sure he's not some asshole tha-" "yes I am. This is different. The way he makes me feel is so... I can't explain it" she said with a big smile thinking about him. "Trust me. He's worth it" she said.

I frowned at that not quite understanding how you could be into someone so much.

"But if he breaks your heart I'll break his dick. Okay?" I said and she started laughing. "Come on let's get ready." She said as she stood up. "Ready? For what?" I asked confused. "We're going shopping " she answered. "This early? It's midnight!" I said closing my eyes again and trying to go back to sleep. "Don't be so dramatic get up."

I did as she said and got up to get ready.

I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket and decided to ignore it because I was spending time with jade. But then it buzzed again. And again. And again.

"Just answer it I don't care" jade said while focusing on the road. I took my phone out of my pocket and checked who it was. And ofcourse. Harry. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I let out a grunt and looked at jade.

"What's wrong?" Jade asked as she parked the car in the parking lot of the mall.

"Nothing it's just that I'm really not looking forward to tutoring Styles." I explained actually meaning every single word leaving my mouth.

"He can't actually be that bad can he now? You don't even know him that well."

"No and I don't want to either." I replied fastly. "It's just the way he's so confident in an annoying way like okay I get it harold you're pretty cute. Handsome. Hot. You're hot, but that does not give him the right to act the way he does."

"First of all don't ever say harold again, it sounds weird and second of all, I can't say anything about his personality I never really spoke to him but maybe if you guys just try it'll be alright" jade said laying her hand on top of my thigh.

"And he's so fucking hot, any girl and even guy would want Harry Styles to treat them the way he treats you." She said chuckling.

"At the end of the day he's just a human being calm down." I said not liking the way she was talking about him, yes he was handsome and not just a little and even tho he made his whole personality about the way he looked, there was still someone behind those green eyes.

I unlocked my phone again and read the message Harry sent me.

act like you like me don't ruin this tonight zayn really likes her for some fucking reason and I dont need anyone to ruin this for him

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