18. cameron

22 3 1

"What no sit down" jade said not wanting to leave. "Jade you don't get it" i said and I looked at her and I felt like crying.

"You know what you guys can stay here, I'm sorry I'm just gonna go for a walk." I said and I gave them money and insisted on paying since I was leaving and it was my idea to come here.

I apologized again, and walked out of the cafe, and went to the park across the street.

I already felt my tears running down my face and i wasn't even sure why yet. Was is because of nick? Was it because of all the stress? Was it because Harry seemed happier with another girl that seemed mean? Was is because I was scared he realized, he doesn't need me?

Or was is it all the above just being too much?

I was happy it was pretty quiet in the park and I sat against a three, which was facing water, just like my favorite three at the park, close to my house.

I finally admitted to myself, that the sight of Harry with a random girl, knowing she probably didn't care about harry did hurt.

Seeing him happy without me was hurting me. Even tho we only had those two nights together, that were so intimate, Harry was someone that never left my mind.

Just when she stopped crying, she got a notification from him.

where are you??

can we please talk soph?

About what harry

just tell me where you are

the park across the street.

You'll see me

And not too long after, I saw him walking towards me.

"Hi" he quietly said and sat down next to me, but not as close as I hoped he did.

"Hey" i replied playing with my fingers that were placed on my lap.

"How have you been?" he asked me to start a conversation. "Worried" i looked at him and he looked infront of him with his hands behind his body to lean on.

"About what?" He asked but not showing any emotion in his face or voice. "You ofcourse" i replied now looking infront of us as well. "Why" he asked again, not showing any emotion. "Harry I don't know, I'm always worried about you" I chuckled, but not in a positive way.

"i never told you to be worried about me, because i don't need you to be worried about me sophia" he replied looking at me with a stern look on his face.

"worry about yourself and your friends first" he said looking to the same spot again.

"So you're not my friend?" I asked getting a little pissed at the way he was talking.

"i don't know i don't think you need more people around you, you're having enough fun with your new boyfriend aren't you?" And this time he was the one chuckling.

"What are you talking about?" I asked now changing my position so I was now fully facing him. He did the same and spoke "that james guy isn't he your boyfriend" he sarcastically said but in an annoyed way. "No" I replied.

"Just like Niall wasn't your boyfriend, but you changed yourself around him? Just like he acted disgusted to be with you and you hated that feeling since you two were having all these little dates?" his voice louder with every sentence.

"Harry what is wrong with you? Why do you always do this? I can't fall asleep without worrying about you for atleast an hour, I can't study without worrying about you, I can't even write or read without worrying about you any more. I try my best to be so kind to you i really do because whatever it is that is happening to you or has happened to you you deserve better. But does that give you the right to treat me like this? Does that give you the right to use me?" I asked and I felt myself tearing up.

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