19. cameron pt.2

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"Cameron." I said looking at the guy infront of me. "Cameron." He repeated quietly. "You kinda look like a Cameron, but then again you don't, does that make sense?" I asked him thinking out loud. "If it makes sense to you then yes it does." He replied crossing his arms. "Well why don't you join me cameron?" I asked pointing at the chair infront of me. "That'd be lovely." He replied sitting down with a small smile.

He really looked like harry. The hair, the eyes, the tattoos, the color of his lips, the accent, the rings god it was just... perfect.

"Are you really into reading, or is it just this one book that has your heart?" I asked him to start a conversation. "Ofcourse this book has my heart, but I'm a big fan of books and movies in general." He answered and I noticed his tooth gem which made him even more attractive. "What about you Sophia?"

"I love books and movies as well, i love movies because I love the way one can tell a story and give people a vision of what the characters in the story look like, talk like, move like etcetera, and I love books because that way one can tell a story to others, in a both more detailed but also more free way." I explained.

"More detailed how if you mind?" "More detailed, because in a book you read the things the characters think and feel, long to and despise,... in a movie you can only get to know so much about a certain character."

He hummed. "I liked the way you explained that. So how is a book more free? In what way?" He then asked. "Well, you can imagine certain accents for certain characters, certain looks, voices maybe even habits. You can also use your own imagination for destinations. If you watch a movie, and one scene is filmed in the rainy dark woods, it could feel warm and deep to the director, but scary and cold to the viewer. When you read a book, you can imagine your own places, and even if a room is described in some way, no one can stop you from imagining something else."

"I love the way you look at things sophia." He smiled, looking at the book he handed me earlier. I smiled back at him and noticed the eye contact felt intense in some way and a little longer than you'd think.

"Do you have plans for tonight?" He then asked me, breaking the silence and putting his warm hands on mine. "Depends on" I replied, now putting my hands on top of his which made him chuckle. "There's a play in half an hour, I think you might like it." He said placing his hands on top of mine again. "What is it about?" I asked repeating the hand game we were playing. "Long story short, two very old school sexist brothers get married" I gasped. "No not together they both get wives but the thing is the men are 46 and 48 and the women are 21 and 23 but got forced to marry the men because theyre from a rich family" he continued and I was breathing again. "They treat their wives horribly and the two of them meet at a family party and fall in love, the rest you'll have to see."

Waiting for my reaction he was tapping his fingers on the back of my left hand which was on top of my other hand. "Why do you think, that's something I'd like to see?" I asked him giving him a challenging look, not knowing which way he'd take this. "You're a reader. Not just a reader but a reader. I feel like you're into tragic love stories. It's just something about the way you describe things." He said and I smiled at that answer, since I really liked it.

"Is the theater far from here?" I asked him getting up. "7 minutes walk or something, 5 if we hurry up." He smiled and got up as well. "What are you waiting for then?" I said and started walking towards the door. "Wait your books" he said walking after me. We took care of the books and left the building.

"Do you live far from here?" I asked him and he told me he lived in the white house with the pink and yellow flowers next to the small coffee shop which was next to the library. We had a small talk about school and his work and then we arrived at the theaters.

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