24. memories

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Did I want to go there with him? Oh hell no, after this conversation I was wondering if this was the same quiet, book/music nerd I met the previous night.

"I'm already going with someone I'm sorry." I answered hoping he would now get the hints and leave me alone. "Y'know I'm more fun than that Harry kid right?" I didn't feel like arguing and I just wanted to go back in peace and enjoy my coffee and friends so I decided to not make a scene. "Cameron, last night was fun it really was, but I don't see it going anywhere and you're starting to get on my nerves. Thankyou for last night, thankyou for asking me to go with you but no I won't come with you, now if you don't mind I'm going back to my friends." The look on his face changed, it was still a smirk but this one was scary.

"Gosh he was right, I should've just listened to him." He moved around me now leaning against the door so I couldn't leave. I was so confused at the way his personality changed and what or who was he even talking about? "Don't you remember me?" A ironic tone in his voice and a raise in his eyebrows. "Should I?" He breathed out a laugh and shook his head no. "It's fine, I wasn't sure it was you last night either." He now crossed his arms and noticed how confused I was. "Nickolas, that night. I was there, I offered you the drink you so nicely accepted." The smirk on his face grew as he saw the look on my face.

I felt so many emotions and things at once. But most of all I felt stupid and ignorant. How could I forget the face of the person who was a part of the worst night of my life?

"He told me you became annoying and less easy if you know what I mean?" Walking closer and closer to me until he was only inches away since I stood still not knowing what to do "it's a shame you know?"

"What is going on in here?" The door opened and revealed Harry. I was so relieved to see him but I didn't move, still processing what was going on.

Cameron rolled his eyes and sighed before looking down at me in a dominant and annoyed way. He turned around and stood next to me wrapping his long arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Just bringing back some memories with my girl you know?" He smiled and Harry's eyes didn't stayed focused on his. There was a noticeable long silence and I just whispered "harry" but wasn't able to find other words to form a sentence. That was enough for him to realize since he now stepped into the room closing the door behind him and smiled. At first I was confused.

"Tell me about them, please." Harry said with the fakest smile and happy tone in his deep voice. Walking towards us his eyes were focused on Cameron's hand that was holding me by my waist. "Tell you about what exactly?" Cameron asked letting go of my waist making me sigh in relief. "The  memories" Harry replied.

"Oh I'd love to. Let's start with my favorite one. You might know the story since nick has told me about you when I asked him about soph you know?" Harry stiffened up at the mention of Nick's name already concerned for where this was leading to. "I indeed know nick" he replied no emotion in his voice but a lot of them in his face. "Well me and nick got pretty lucky with this one once, I'm not sure if she remembers much but I sure do, bec-" and before he could finish his sentence Harry's right first hit Cameron's jaw and he fell back in shock losing his balance but before he could get back up Harry was already on the floor punching the guy in his face until he stopped moving and just laid there, blood coming out of his mouth and nose.

Harry stayed on the floor for a minute staring at the white wall infront of him. The silence was loud, no one saying a word. I didn't know what to say or do. He finally stood back up taking a second before turning around and looking at me still breathing heavily. "Soph I'm-" he waited a second. "not sorry" he finished his sentence looking at me, and I still felt quite in shock. "Wh- why did you- what?" Were the words I attempted to get out.

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