10. party

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Harry and Niall read my poem in class. Niall loved it and gave me so many compliments, meanwhile harry didn't even bother to give me a reaction he just hummed and went back to tapping on his phone.

Not long after the whole class had a poem and gave it to the teacher the bell rang.

It was time to go home so I walked out of the building just like everyone else and went straight to my car and left.

I was driving home alone that day since jade was at zayn's for the afternoon.

Tonight was the party. At first I didn't want to go at all since I didn't like most of the people that were gonna go but ever since niall asked me to go with him I felt excited.

I really really liked niall. Not in that way tho. I thought about it but I figured out I just liked him as a friend.

Earlier that day at school I saw something I didn't quite expect. I saw niall and harry walking down the hallways together when it was time to go home.

They were talking and laughing about something. Harry's laugh seemed real. Realer than his usual laugh. Not that I had ever make him laugh.

I just really hoped that he wouldn't hurt niall. I knew it was bad to think of harry like that, because I knew harry wasn't a bad person. But I was still kind of worried.

Not did I only hope harry wouldn't have hurt niall but i also didn't need niall to hurt harry.

I mean harry was an asshole to me most of the time, but there is something about him that I can't explain.

Something so mysterious but also so clear. His eyes spoke a thousand of words when his lips couldn't. So did his body language. Harry was the kind of person that would experience so many emotions at once, but no one would know unless they paid really close attention to him. It is as if he's scared for the world to see the real harry, as if he wants us to see him like a strong independent unbothered man. While he was just a boy figuring out life, like the rest of us.

I felt bad for him. Talking about your emotions and facing them is the best way to handle them. Not to control them, because that simply isn't possible. You just can't decide how you feel or think.

And with talking about that I don't seriously mean you have to find a therapist to talk to, you could also just talk to someone you trust and even if you don't want to do that, write about it, find a hobby but don't run away from your emotions, because you simply can't.

But you can teach yourself to handle the way you feel or think, by showing your emotions to not only other people but also yourself.

I decided that I wanted to stop by the park before I went home, to clear my head and maybe find some inspiration for poems.

When I entered the park, it was quite literally empty. There was no one. The only thing I could hear, were the little birds and the wind blowing away the leaves.

I walked for a bit and thought about everything that's been going on lately. Not that anything in particular was bothering me but I liked to clear my head every once in a while.

When I reached the big tree I usually sat under, I did the same I always did. I just looked right infront of me and enjoyed the company of squirrels, some birds and here and there some bunny's.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of my breathing. I focused on it until I found a certain rythm in it. When I finally did, I slowed down a bit.

I always liked to be by myself and focus on the little things by body does. It calmed me down. After sitting under the same tree for about an hour I stood up and walked back to my car. But before I could open it. I heard a voice coming from behind me.

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