7. niall

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A few hours had past, and I was just watching TV on my own. Gabrielle was at nonna's, mom was away for work, Lou was with Nora and once again I was sitting on my own.

I went upstairs and started drawing random faces. From people I knew, strangers, faces I just imagined,...
I really loved drawing people. They are so beautiful without even realizing it.

My mind went back to earlier this day. Why was he such a douchebag? He was being so kind ad sweet to gabrielle and then he acted like himself again. Or atleast like the side of himself I knew.

Something about it didn't feel right. He did look like he felt kind of guilty when he left. Maybe he was still hungover from the night before, I mean that could be the reason of the dark circles under his eyes. I decided to let it go and went to sleep.


"You still didn't tell me about your date with zayn." I said to jade who's eyes were focused on the road. She started smiling thinking about Saturday night.

"It was amazing. " she said with the brightest smile ever." First he picked me up at my house and even met mom, obviously she loved him. When we were in the car he wouldn't stop telling me that I looked pretty, HE EVEN GOT ME FLOWERS!" She said excitedly.

"When we arrived at the restaurant it looked expensive but also cute, not too much but also not too casual you know? It was perfect. We had a nice chat and ate our food, got to know each other even better it was the best! Then when we were done we went to the movies, and watched a romantic comedy. He squeezed my hand a few times, kissed my cheek, played with my hair, whispered things in my ear..." she says smiling. "I think I love him Soph" she said with a serious but happy look. "I really think I do" she said.

I was happy for her. Finally someone that wants her for her and not for sex.

"Zayn sounds like a great guy." I said looking at her. "I'd love to get to know him better" I said.

"Well he asked me if I wanted to join him for lunch but I told him I always sit with you during lunchtime but if you want to we could sit with him and maybe you could get to know him better then." She suggested. "Sounds good to me".

We finally arrived at school and walked into the building, we were a bit late so the bell rang the minute we walked in. "Bye Soph see you" jade said and walked to her class. I did the same and luckily for me the teacher wasn't there yet. I took my phone out of my bag pocket and decided I should text him.

Goodluck with your test, but you'll probably fine :)

I sent the text and turned off my phone because the teacher walked in. "Goodmorning people sit down and take your books"


My first classes were pretty boring, like usual. It was time for lunch and I almost forgot that were sitting with zayn today.

I walked into the cantine and saw zayn and jade sitting together at a table in the corner. I walked over to them and sat down next to jade, infront of zayn.

We had a really nice chat and I really got to know him better, it wasn't like an uncomfortable conversation it was pretty casual. 10 minutes before the bell rang, harry joined us and he seemed pretty off. He was tapping and scrolling trough his phone the whole time but I didn't really mind. It wasn't my business.

The dark circles under his eyes were more visible than yesterday. Maybe he had a busy night. The hickeys on his neck told me he probably did.

The rest of the day went by really fast to be honest and before I knew I was sitting in my room again studying for a test I had the next day.

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