12. ignoring me

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November 2nd

Harry and I hadn't talked to each other ever since he had left my house with no explanation. It had been two weeks and I was so confused.

Whenever he saw me in the hallways he would only nod not even smile or say hello.

When I sat with zayn and jade he would sit somewhere else with some of his other 'friends'.

But after a few days he started spending a lot of his time with niall. Sometimes I liked to observe them and from what I had seen, niall was the talker and harry the listener, which in my and Harry's relationship was the total opposite.

Sometimes I would find him writing down random words on a paper and I always wondered what it was that he wrote down. He was so focused whenever he was writing in his notepad.

I tried to tell myself I didn't care about him anymore but every time I tried to forget him I either found him staring or writing something down again.

I wondered what went trough his head whenever I walked past his table in class, whenever we made eyecontact, when he was writing stuff down,...

Harry was a special person. He wasn't like almost every other guy at my school; obsessed with sports, intrested in nothing but soccer, arrogant...

No, harry had something those guys didn't have, something I thought no one at my school had.

Even the smallest details about him where so interesting to me; the way he always crunches his nose when he has to laugh or is thinking, the way he licks his bottom lip after almost every sentence that leaves his pink lips, the way he'd play with his rings whenever he was nervous, happy, thinking, bored...

Not only the visible details about him interested me. I loved the way he'd let people finish their sentence, story or whatever they were saying even if it was boring, I loved the way he always tried to act all bad ass but was just a softy.

I just wished that one day he would just decide to unlock his phone and text me to tell me he was a prick for ignoring me and making me feel bad for absolutely no reason at all. Or maybe just type in 'sorry' would've been enough.

November 10th

More than a week had passed again and still he hadn't even tried to talk to me.

He didn't even look at me during that week. Only when I just forgot about him and was with niall he would stare and even when I looked back at him he wouldn't look away.

He wouldn't particularly stare at me but he would stare in my direction like he wanted to know everything that was going on. Sometimes he would even just be staring at niall and then write stuff down.

At first I thought he looked like a stalker, but then I realized it was probably some school stuff.

It had almost been a month since the party and the crazy night after.

At night I would dream of what could've happened if he hadn't left right after. If he had just stayed home with me and sat down and ate the breakfast I cooked for him. If he had just thanked me and maybe even gave me a hug.

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