22. frozen

25 4 0

We were laying in my bed having a Disney marathon. This movie marathon was his idea, and I know he wanted to do this to distract me which was really kind of him. I heard my phone buzz a few times but I didn't feel like checking it, it was cozy like that. Harry hadn't touched his phone either, so why would I?

"I hate that bitch" Harry's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Who?" He pointed at the screen rolling his eyes. I breathed out a laugh when I saw he was talking about the one and only Hans from Frozen. "His voice is annoying as well" his eyes were still locked on the screen. "Team Kristoff till I die" his accent really thick while saying that.

Then my phone rang and I looked and saw it was zayn. Harry then checked his phone and saw that he had 2 missed calls from Zayn as well but his phone was on silent. I quickly called him back and he told us he called to ask if we wanted to hang out with him and Jade after dinner, since they already had their own plans for dinner. We all agreed on a coffee shop at 7. Me and Harry went back to the movie and I enjoyed hearing Harry sing a long with all of the songs.

"Harry?" I broke the silence. He hummed in reply still focused on the screen. "Do you think it's possible for us to pick up some of your stuff at zayn's and at your house?" My voice silent but loud enough for him to hear. "What" he was now looking up at me. "I don't want you to leave yet, so we need your stuff" I smiled at him trying to make him feel comfortable. "I don't have to" "harry" I just said and he smiled in reply. "Thankyou" he said still smiling "shut up"

"Do you want to go now or after dinner?" He asked me sitting up. "Whenever you want to" I replied sitting up as well. "Now?" He replied and I nodded my head standing up. "Let's go then"

We walked downstairs and I saw my mom baking with my little brother. They asked us to join but I explained that we couldn't and why. Gabrielle happily waved at us before we left.

"You know" Harry began while starting his car "all my clothes are at my house so we just have to go there, but maybe nobody's home. I really hope so that'd be easier and faster." He was looking at the road, but it was too visible that he was scared to go. "We don't have to go we could always turn back and you could always use something of my brothers" I tried to get him to feel more comfortable about this. He shook his head no.

The ride to his house was really silent but I didn't blame him and I didn't want to annoy or bother him in any way so I didn't bother starting a conversation.

I checked my phone and saw that Cameron had texted me earlier today. I looked at the time of the messages, and the buzzing from my phone during the movies were because of his messages.

I miss you

When will we see each other again?

I really liked hanging out with you x

Did you not?

Why are you not replying?

Am I bothering you?

I quickly wanted to reply since he thought I was ignoring him.

I'm sorry for answering so late but yeah I enjoyed it as well:)

When do you want to hang out again?

He was quick to reply.

Finally that took you long enough

I'd say tonight, but I have to work.

And then I remembered him telling me about working in a nearby coffee shop. I was actually hoping it was the one we were going to later that day so I could see him. He told me it was in town but we have 4 coffee shops in town and I regretted not asking him the name of the place.

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