14.ice cream

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November 26th

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the tree leaves.

I had always loved rain. The sound of it, the feeling of it, and even the smell of it.

As a kid I used to run outside when it started raining and then mom would run after me to take me back inside but every time again I found it worth it.

I didn't open my eyes just yet and just enjoyed the sound coming from outside.

Until I felt the matras move underneath me. I quickly opened my eyes and when I saw the chocolate brown curls laying on the pillow next to me I smiled.

I sat up to get a better look of him. He was laying flat on his stomach, pink lips slightly parted and curls all over his face.

I smiled thinking about the previous night. Then I decided that I should get up to make breakfast before he woke up, hoping this time he'd stay.

When I looked at my phone I was shocked to see that it was only 7 am. Since harry probably wasn't about to wake up any time soon I took a quick shower and got ready.

When i was done showering I dried my hair, brushed my teeth and hair and did my make up.

I wore my favorite black Jean's and a David Bowie shirt on top of it.

About 45 minutes had past already so I cleaned the mess I made and went downstairs to make breakfast.

But when I entered the livingroom I saw that the tv was on and gabrielle was sitting infront of it in his pajamas.

"Goodmorning" I said as I walked over to him and kissed his cheeks. "Morning soph" he said with a big smile on his face.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked him now walking over to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
"I did but last night I woke up to the sound of talking and then I could hardly fall back asleep." He said with a big pout on his face following me into the kitchen.

But when he entered the kitchen he walked backwards to the livingroom again and entered the kitchen again but this time with his other foot which was something he did alot.

"That's because I've got a small surprise for you" I said realizing that he didn't know harry was over yet.

I decided to make pancakes and cut some fruits but when I was making them I got deja vu from last time and I felt scared for a second.

Scared that he wouldn't bother staying, scared that he would just leave and not talk to me again.

"What is it? Soph! What is it?" Gabrielle excitedly asked me jumping around in the kitchen.
"Not what is it, who is it" I corrected him and he frowned at my reply.

When I heard footsteps coming from the hall gabrielle's head snapped torwards the direction of the sound and for a second I was scared that he would just leave or be in a bad mood again and I didn't know where that feeling came from.

But when i saw him walking in with a shy little smile on his face the feeling disappeared and i felt happy again.

"HARRY!" Gabrielle yelled and he got up from his chair and ran over to harry. Harry kneeled down and took the little boy in his arms. "Hey mate it has been a while hasn't it?" He asked still getting jumped by gabrielle.

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