21. nailpolish

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The first thing I realized when I woke up was that he wasn't here. Had he left again? I checked my phone to see if he texted me first but nothing. Ofcourse he would've left again. What did I expect? It did hurt tho. I actually trusted him now. I didn't want to get up just yet so I just laid there, in my bed doing nothing. After about 10 minutes I got up and went to take a shower. It did hurt, the fact that he had left but not as much as I expected it to. I felt like I wasn't really realizing the fact, that he had lied to me and used me again.

I decided to not care, or at least act like I didn't care so I wouldn't feel bad all day. I did my hair and make up and put on an outfit that I really liked and decided that, I wouldn't sit around waiting for harry to text me again, I'd do the things I like, like reading and drawing and writing... i don't need him for those things. I thought.

I wasn't sure if everyone was home yet but when I walked down the stairs and heard the laughter I was sure. That sound made me feel a little better, since it had been a while since my family has really had breakfast together. But when I walked into the dining room I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was Harry. Harry didn't leave. He didn't lie. He didn't use me. But I believed all of that so easily. I felt guilty.

He was sitting there with my mom, Louis and my little brother, who was sat on his lap.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you coming here, we made enough for the whole street." My mom laughed looking at me with a smile. "We? Did Louis finally do something to help you?" I sarcastically asked walking over to them to kiss my mom goodmorning. "Oh no are you crazy? Harry here helped me." She said smiling at him.

I really liked that Harry felt so comfortable at my house, so when he came over he didn't feel like wanting to go 'home' not that that's something he'd ever want.

I joined them at the table and listened to their conversation. They were talking about future plans and dreams. Seriously? I thought. But that was just because it was Louis saying odd shit again but then when Harry started talking, I felt like he was describing a man that he can easily become. But I didn't expect him to say some of the things he did.

"Oh that's wonderful Harry, moving to Italy without kids is also a big dream of Soph, but she just wants hundreds of cats." She laughed. He didn't really seem like the italy type of guy. I've been dreaming of moving there, ever since I was 8. There was just something about the streets at night, about the people being so wholesome, about the art that was everywhere if you just noticed, oh and the food, the music, the buildings, just everything.

"Untill when will you be here Harry? Not that I mind darling I think you're a wonderful young man and Louis could learn a lot from you." She said eyeing my brother to which he rolled his eyes.

Harry didn't know what to answer so he just looked at me, and my mom did the same. "We don't know yet but he's not leaving today." I said hoping he'd be okay with that. I didn't want him to feel forced to be here, but I wouldn't want him to feel like he should leave. If he did, he'd go to Zayn's again and he told me he felt bad for always staying at his house, and by now I know that his house is always the last option.

"Well I'm home as well for the next couple days" She said with a smile and this made everything even better. Having mom around always felt great, we never spent much time together because of her work.

After we ate our breakfast and cleaned up the mess they made, me and Harry went to my room.
"I have homework so keep yourself busy Harold." I said walking over to my desk.

"Homework? School is like a week away." He stated. "Other homewor." I chuckled and realized I had all of my art supplies, in my studio. "Other homework?" He asked following me upstairs. "Art" I replied and he made an understanding noise. "Cool" he then said. Cool? Was he saying that to not sound rude or was he actually into art?

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