5. the club

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There I was. Sitting on my bed writing poems, and reading old ones that I wrote.
If it wasn't for the text that I got. I would've been sitting in the movie theater waiting for the movie to start. I felt bad for canceling. But I didn't felt like going anymore and jade understood me.

Atleast I didn't have to keep up with harold.

My phone buzzed so I checked it and it was jade.

Hey bubs :) hope ur feeling okay x

If there's anything I can do I'll do it right now so you just have to call me and I'll be there!

I dont know what I'd do without her.

Thanks for asking but I'm fine  really :) have fun and good luck with harry hahah

Oh actually, harry didn't come either he didn't feel well

I hope he's okay

I hope he isn't


Okay I hope he's well so he can text me the whole time :)

You're being sarcastic

And you're being so smart

The movie is about to start please text me when you need something

I'll be fine but thanks have fun!!

I felt like I should read the text that basically ruined my day. I was scared. But I had to.

Did I actually have to? No, but was I going to? Yes.

So I opened it.

Hey sweetheart

Sweetheart. He always used to call me that. That's another red flag that I never noticed.

You're probably still mad but hey, you were 15 and I was 17. Boys will be boys it was your own fault you wanted something to happen why else would you be so kind to me

Let's hang out again i miss you sweetheart

Was he litterly insane? He wanted to hang out again? Does he need Lorenzo to beat him up again?

I felt a knot in my stomach. The fact that he has been thinking about me, about us. It made me sick. I needed a distraction. But writing or drawing wasn't enough. I needed to get drunk and just have fun. I didn't feel like sitting here all by myself. I wanted to have fun

But who should I call? Mom was not gonna let me drink my feelings away, Lorenzo isn't home and jade was on a date.


I called him.

"What do you need?"



"You heard me."

"No fucking chonce"

"What? Why not?"

"Last time we got drunk you decided to pee on the couch and make cookies on the floor, so mom found out."

"Yeah but we don't need to get drunk at home."

"Mmhh okay I see where you're going. I'll get our fake id's you go get ready"

"Thankyou lou you're the best."

"I know."

And he hung up the phone.

I did feel bad somehow so I decided to text jade.

I'm sorry if this is gonna make you think I just didn't want to come to the movies with you but I feel like getting drunk cuz this was a really shitty day so I'm gonna go out with louis.

Again I'm sorry. I hope you understand.

She probably wasn't going to answer anytime soon because she's at the movies. Or at least I thought.

No don't worry babe I get it :)

We drove mostly in silence but he still wanted to know what was going on. "Why do you want to get drunk all of a sudden?"
Louis asked me eyes focused on the road.

"I've just had a shitty day and I just want to have fun, I don't want to sit in my room alone all night." He hummed in reply.

We arrived at the club and it looked nice. We've been here before once, and I remember only young people coming here so that was nice. It was not too big or too small. It was perfect for distraction.

We got in pretty fast and louis immediately claimed a boot and he just sat down. "Wait are you seriously just going to sit here all night?" I asked louis. "No ofcourse not I'm waiting for nora to arrive." He invited Nora. His girlfriend.

Nora and Louis had been dating since they were 14 which was pretty long for teens. Nora was always seen as Louis' best friend but I've always noticed there was something gong on between them but decided not to mention it and give him some time.

I really liked nora as well. She always looked after us. She got along really well with my brothers.

"Soph! That's been a while I've missed you!" I heard a voice shouting and when I turned around it was her. Nora. "Come here give me a hug." And she immediately wrapped her arms around me.

That was the big difference between Nora and louis. If you felt bad Nora would hug you, Louis would make fun of you until you'd cry.

When Nora wasn't having a good day she'd just be a little more quiet. Louis would judge you on everything you do. But that's why we loved him.


"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I shouted over the loud music. "I don't remember  asking fuck off" louis shouted back. Okay nice. I kind of got myself trough all the sweaty dancing bodies and got the bathroom.

When I wanted to check my make up. I heard moaning and screaming from the one of the toilets. Wow that was intense.
But I wasn't about to leave they decided to have sex in public so they should be embarrassed not me. After a while when I was doing my hair I heard the two people coming outside.

I was not about to turn around because that would've been embarrassing. I just washed my hands real quick so it looked like I was doing something. One of them left so I felt like I should leave too. Until

"Hey Romano."

No fucking way.

"Harry?" I said really confused. "Oh so you remember my name? I'm honored." He said sarcastically.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you say you were feeling bad?" I asked him. "Didn't you say the same thing?" He answered. "I mean I'm not feeling bad I just didn't feel like going to the movies with you guys because I've had a shit day. Wait that's none of your business." I said realizing that I didn't want to talk to him right now.

"Are you here all by yourself?"
"No" I answered quickly. "Oh so you brought your boyfriend?" He asked with a smirk. "No harold I'm here with my brother."

"Yeah Louis." I said annoyed.
"Why are you acting like that?" He asked me coming closer. "Like what?" He stood really close now. He placed his hands on my hips. "Like you don't wish that was you." He said smirking. "Excuse me?" Did he really think I was jealous?
"Just leave I don't feel like talking to you."
"Your wish is my command princess." And then he left the bathroom but came back quickly.

"Don't you ever call me harold again."


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