•Part one

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The smell of weed and tobacco filled up your nose, it was coming from your brother's room. You rolled your eyes and tried not to focus on the smell but failed, you just walked out of the house instead.

In the back garden you saw your little sister, she was playing games with her friend. Tomorrow would be her first day at Hogwarts and she was so excited. She wants to be in Hufflepuff, but you are secretly praying that she will be a Slytherin just like you.

You come from a huge line of Slytherin's in a very wealthy family. Your parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents and so on, have been Slytherin's, including you and your brother. It would only be right that Leah is a Slytherin too.

You smiled at the sight of your eleven year old sister smiling and having the time of her like. She had absolutely no stress on her and you loved it, you loved that she didn't have to worry about anything major yet.

She noticed you standing by the back door and she stopped playing to wave at you, then carried on. You waved back and walked back inside and to the kitchen.

You opened the fridge to get something to eat so you grabbed a yoghurt out and got a spoon from the drawer next to the fridge. You leant on the kitchen counters and ate your yoghurt.

After you finished your yoghurt, your mother stumbled through the front door and left it open slightly. She had an empty bottle of whiskey in her hand and she fell right onto the empty couch, falling asleep instantly.

You sighed and walked over, looking at your mother passed out on the couch. You placed a blanket over her body and took the empty bottle out of her hand, putting it on the coffee table and walking over to shut the front door.

You were standing there looking down at your mother when Leah and her friend came running into the house.

"Hey, girls." You smiled at them and they tried to come running over to you but you quickly stopped them.

Both you and Prince know how hard it is to deal with your drunk mother all of the time, so you both always try to make sure Leah doesn't see her much or have to deal with her.

You took both of them to the kitchen and they pulled themselves up to sit on the counter. They both wanted some lunch so you made both of them a ham sandwich with a bag of crisps and a carton of apple juice. They then ran off with their food to Leah's room to eat.

You tidied up after yourself and wiped down the sides, then went back to your room to finish packing for Hogwarts.


It was finally time to leave for Hogwarts. Your mother was still passed out on the couch and hadn't woken up since she came in. Your father was just pulling into the driveway as the three of you were about to leave.

Leah had her trunk ready and Prince was carrying it for her. His eyes were bright red but you knew he hadn't smoked for at least an hour because the scent was slowly leaving him.

Prince opened the door for you, him and Leah and carried his and Leah's trunks outside. You were carrying yours, he did offer but you didn't want him to, and he loaded all three of them into the car. Neither you or Prince could drive, but Prince had driven before and was pretty good at it so he would be driving your mothers car to the train station to catch the train on time.

Leah climbed into the back seats of the car and you got into the front passenger seat. Prince was making sure the trunks were secure in the boot before getting into the drivers seat. You looked out of the window and saw your father getting out of his own car and opening the door for somebody.

A girl got out of the car, she was in a white dress and her hair was straight. That was all you knew about her, other than the fact that she was your father's mistress. He had been seeing her for a while now and you mother didn't even know because she was either always drunk or always out getting drunk.

"I fucking hate him." Prince said and started the car, driving off. "Who does he think he is?"

"Watch your language, Prince." You looked over at him rolling his eyes. "He's still our father."

"The hell he is." He scoffed. "That man is nothing to me, ever since he started cheating on mum, he had been dead to me."

"I know that, I know he is dead to you because you never stop going on about it." You said and he looked over at you. "Eyes on the road."

He didn't say anything else, he just drove in silence the whole way to the train station. You and Leah talked for a little bit until you got there and everybody got out of the car.

Prince got all three trunks out of the car and put them on a trolley to push around until you reach platform 9 3/4. All three of you met up with your friends and got on the train, your trunks with you. Leah was sat in the compartment next to yours and you could hear her and her friends laughing and talking about how excited they are to start Hogwarts.

Prince wondered off somewhere with his friends and his girlfriend. You were sat in a compartment with your two friends, Noah Benson and Miranda Wright.

You were catching up with them when you got a knock at the compartment door. It was Lee Jordan and you were expecting him so you stepped out of the compartment to talk to him.

"You got it?" You asked him and he nodded.

He handed you a small bag and you shoved it into your pocket straight away so nobody would see.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Lee said and you laughed a little bit. "Just let me know when you run out of what some more."

You nodded and watched as he started to walk away, you walking back into the compartment.

Word Count : 1068

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