•Part nineteen

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Two days had passed and it was finally your birthday, which happens to be Halloween!

When you woke up, you were all alone in your dorm and got confused, where were Miranda and Astoria? You brushed it up and jumped in the shower, getting ready for the day after you had showered and washed your hair.

You dried your hair and straightened it, then done your makeup and got changed into a pair of blue ripped jeans and a long sleeve white shirt. You wrapped a plaid jacket around your waist in case you needed it as it was getting colder and colder everyday.

Today was not only your birthday and Halloween, but it was also the day of Fred's quidditch match. Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. You promised Fred you would be there to support him and Astoria let it spill that she had to make sure you got there this time.

You weren't mad about that as you were really excited to go to his match and watch Fred play. When you play against him in quidditch, he is very good so you were excited to see how good he plays when you are actually watching him.

You sat around in your room for a little while to just make sure you look alright before leaving your dorm to go to the main part of the common room. When you stepped down the last step, words were being shouted at you.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Multiple people yelled and held their hands up in the air.

You laughed at how silly they looked and walked towards everybody with a huge smile on your face. There was decorations all over the common room, birthday banners and balloons where everywhere you looked.

"Who done this?" You smiled and looked at your brother, sister and most of your friends.

"It was a joint effort." Prince said and put his arm around your little sister.

"Thank you, I love you two." You said and hugged your older brother before hugging your little sister.

"I love you, too." Leah said. "Open our present first!"

"Give me a minute." You told her and patted her head before hugging all of your friends individually. "This looks amazing, guys thank you so much."

"Anything for our best friend." Noah said and kissed your cheek. "You deserve the world, happy birthday."

"Thank you." You smiled and then sat down on the couch.

Everybody sat down and handed you their presents, and you loved every single on of them.

Noah got you a personalised locket necklace with two pictures of you and him together inside it. In one of the pictures, you were sat on his shoulders and both of you were laughing and having a good time. In the other picture, he was kissing your cheek and you were scrunching up your nose, Miranda and Astoria doing bunny ears behind you and him.

Miranda baked you some brownies as she was an excellent baker and you loved her brownies. She also got you a key ring that you said you loved, she has a matching one.

Astoria got you a bottle of vodka that would most definitely be all gone by tomorrow morning and she also got you a pair of earrings with your birth stone on it, Opal.

Both Prince and Leah got you a present together, they put their money together and got you a joint birthday gift. It was a booklet full of a lot of pictures that had you, him and her inside. There was pictures of you with both of them and just with one of them.

The pictures went from baby pictures, you and Prince finding out that your parents were adopting Leah, to very recent pictures. You loved the book so much that you almost started crying at all of the lovely memories that  you held very close to your heart.

You spent an hour with your three friends and two siblings, eating brownies made my Miranda, before heading down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

When you sat down and started piling food onto your plate, both the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff quidditch team were nowhere to be seen. You looked around for Fred but he must have been practicing or warming up for the match.

You and your friends ate breakfast whilst Prince and Leah wondered off somewhere to be with their friends. They both weren't going to watch the match, Prince didn't want to because it would be supporting Hufflepuff or Gryffindor and Leah had plans with her friends.

By the time everybody had finished their breakfast, it was time for the quidditch match to start. The four of you headed down to the quidditch pitch and found some seats in the Slytherin stands, getting ready for it to officially start.

You looked down to where all of the players where lined up in front of each other and saw Fred and George whispering to each other. Fred was nodding his head and George was looking around the crowds for someone.

George pointed toward the Slytherin stands and Fred turned around to look, quickly turning back around to face George. Fred then pulled his jersey up and showed him his under-layer. George smiled and then lined back up properly, facing a Hufflepuff player.

Mcgonagall announced that the game has now started and everybody flew up into the air.

The game went on and Gryffindor were currently beating Hufflepuff by six points, the golden snitch hadn't been caught yet by Harry Potter or Cedric Diggory. Fred had hit many bludgers away from himself and towards multiple players on Hufflepuff, he even ended up hitting somebody in the foot with one.

You looked away for a few seconds to talk to Noah, who was sat in the row behind you with Astoria, and the crowd went wild. Cheers for Gryffindor were you be heard everywhere.

"The golden snitch has been caught by Harry Potter! Gryffindor win!!" Lee Jordan announced from the commentators area.

Word Count : 1003

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