•Part three

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After everyone finished lunch, Prince and Leah wondered off somewhere with their friends and so did you. Miranda, Noah and you were in the Slytherin dorm rooms and hanging out in Noah's dorm.

His dorm-mates weren't there so you three had the place to yourselves. You and Miranda shared your dorm room with two other Slytherin's that you didn't like or talk to, so you would spend most of your time just with Noah and Miranda.

The three of you were talking about silly and random things but also mainly about the quidditch match tomorrow. After a while, Miranda got tired so she went back to yours and her dorm to go to sleep.

You and Noah were talking for a while when he walked over to you from the couch he was sat on to his own bed.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you all summer." He sat on his bed next to you.

Before the summer holidays, you and Noah got drunk together and one thing led to the other. You two ended up sleeping with each other and couldn't keep your hands off of each other for too long until it was time to part ways for a while.

You hadn't seen him since the end of fifth year and he hadn't seen you either, the both of you hadn't heard anything from each other for the entire summer. The two of you were with Miranda all day so you didn't get any alone time, but you were finally alone with him now.

"Me neither." You said and looked into his eyes. "We're finally alone."

"We're finally alone." He repeated as his face leant towards yours.

His lips hit yours and one of his hands grabbed the side of your thighs, pulling you closer to him. You grabbed onto his shoulder and deepened the kiss, your arm wrapping around his neck slowly.

The two of you kissed for a while and you ended up sitting on top of him with your shirt off, pulling his over his head and throwing it to the floor. Your lips smashed into his again and he let out a small grunt at the contact.

You pushed yourself so your body was completely touching his, your hands cupping his face and pulling his face closer to yours to deepen the kiss a lot more.

"Do you want to do this?" He pulled away from you as your fingers started unbuckling his belt.

"More than anything." You said, breathing heavily.

He nodded his head and you got off of him to get a condom out of his drawer. He took his trousers off and tossed them with his shirt on the floor. You done the same with your shorts and chucked them with his clothes.

You tossed him the condom and he put it on, you climbing back onto him and moaning as he moved your underwear to the side and found himself inside of you.


It was the next morning and you woke up to a pillow being thrown in your face. You were back in your own room after an amazing night with Noah. Speaking of Noah, he was the one who threw the pillow at you.

Miranda was sat on her bed and was talking to him whilst waiting for you to wake up. They soon realised the time and had to wake you up because you would be late for the match if you didn't wake up.

"What time is it?" You groaned and opened your eyes slowly.

"Who cares? Get up, get ready and let's go!" Miranda sang.

You nodded your head and slowly sat up, getting out of your bed with a yawn and headed into the bathroom to get changed. You walked out in your quidditch uniform and the three of you grabbed your things and headed to the quidditch pitch.

Noah looked at his watch and saw the time, so the three of you had to start running to make it on time. Lucking, you made it just in time for the warm up.

You and Miranda joined everybody who was already warming up and Noah went to the stands to find his signature seat.

After everybody on both Slytherin and Gryffindor finished warming up with their team, it was finally time to start the match.

Both teams were lined up and facing each other, you were facing Fred Weasley and Miranda was facing George Weasley. Fred winked at you before Mcgonagall announced the match had began.

Everybody mounted their broomsticks and flew into the sky, you and Miranda with bats in your hands. The two of you flied next to each other and stuck near each other for the entire match.

"Kendra, watch out!" Miranda shouted over to you and you ducked as a bludger came flying towards you.

You looked over to the only other two beaters in the sky and they were both laughing. You shook your head and then looked over at Miranda, she nodded and knew what you were going to do.

The both of you flew towards the Weasley twins and both swung a bludger at them two. One of the bludgers missed Fred's face by a few inches and the other hit George in the foot.

You and Miranda laughed at the expression in both of their faces. Fred's jaw was dropped and his eyes were wide open. George was groaning in pain even though the bludger barely touched him properly, it was only a small graze against his foot.

Miranda and you spent the rest of the match hitting bludgers away from yourselves or hitting them to try and stop Gryffindor from scoring goals. Both of you had a lot of fun and laughs at seeing everybody's reactions to bludgers flying past their faces, like you do every single match you play.

There was now only five minutes left and if nobody catches the golden snitch, then the team with the most points win.

"Pucey coming in with an amazing goal for Slytherin! That's now 16-14 to Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan announced from the commentators area.

Word Count : 1023

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