•Part seven

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It was the next day and the four of you were at breakfast before classes officially started, so you were now walking to class with Astoria when you saw Leah. The two of you walked up to her and she didn't say anything, she just stared at Astoria with confusion on her face.

"What happened to your leg?" Leah asked Astoria.

"I hurt it in a fight, wanna see?" Astoria asked her and she nodded eagerly.

Astoria propped her leg up on a nearby bench in the hallway and pulled her trouser leg up, revealing an un-bandaged mess. There wasn't dry blood everywhere anymore, but there was now a huge red and yellow scab covering her entire knee. Leah gagged and Astoria pulled her trouser leg down, putting her leg down straight on the floor.

"What class do you have?" You asked your little sister.

"I have flying practise." Leah said. "But I don't know how to get there."

"I think you'll love flying practice, it was my favourite in first and second year." You told her. "Come on, I'll take you."

"I'll see you in potions." Astoria said and used her crutches to walk into the classroom.

You and Leah walked to the quidditch pitch for her to get to her class on time as she didn't know where it was and how go get there. You said goodbye to her and watched as she ran over to her friends who were waiting for her with their brooms next to them.

You then turned around and made your way back into the main castle grounds, walking to potions straight away. You walked into the classroom and everybody turned to look at you.

"You are late, Miss Diaz." Professor Snape said from the front of the classroom.

"Sorry, sir, I was getting my little sister to her lesson." You said. "Where do I sit?"

"Next to Mr Weasley, he will be your partner for the upcoming project." Snape said and continued talking about the project.

The project was to make a love potion called amortentia, it is the most important love potion ever made. When you smell an amortentia, you are able to smell your one true love, your soulmate.

You sat down next to Fred and listened to Snape talk for a while before getting handed a textbook.

"You ok, crackhead?" Fred asked you and opened the textbook.

You didn't say anything, you just looked at him and he started to laugh.

"Sorry." He laughed.

"I'm not a crackhead, Weasley." You told him.

"You gave me the wrong impression the other day in the changing rooms." He smirked.

"Why did you tell my brother I done cocaine with you?" You turned to look at him and he looked back at you.

"I didn't tell him. I was simply just telling my brother and Lee, but Prince overheard and twisted my words so much." Fred told you.

"Don't talk about me to anyone, even if it's just your friend and brother, don't." You said to him.

"Yes, ma'am."

Fred and you worked in silence for most of the lesson, until there was only ten minutes left.

"Me and some other Gryffindor are having a party in our tower, you and your friends up for it?" Fred asked you.

"Why are you inviting us to this thing? We're Slytherin's and you are Gryffindor's, we aren't friends." You looked at him.

"I feel bad about what Prince heard and thought." He told you. "And I want to be friends, maybe we can do some more coke together."

He winked at you but you rolled your eyes.

"I'll think about it, my friends definitely want to, I don't even have to ask." You told him. "And I'm never doing coke with you again."

He told you a bit more details about the party just in case you wanted to go, then it was time for your next class.


The rest of the school day went on and it was the end of all classes now. You were with Astoria and were about to meet up with Noah and Miranda too. Once you saw them two and started walking back with all three of your friends, you told them about what Fred said.

"The Gryffindor's are having a party." You started. "Are we up for it?"

"Seriously, Kendra?" Noah looked over at you. "I'm always up for a party, you know that."

"Gryffindors?" Miranda asked. "Why them and why are you talking to them?"

"Because I'm working with a Gryffindor in potions, so is Astoria." You told Miranda.

"That's true." Astoria nodded her head. "I'm working with Lee Jordan and Kendra's with Fred Weasley."

"Yeah. He asked if me and you three are up for a party in the Gryffindor tower, it's tonight." You told them.

"Sure." Miranda said. "Is it just us four and some Gryffindor's?"

"As far as I know, yeah." You told her.

"Sweet. I'm gonna go shower and get ready, then I'll have to go find some random Ravenclaw to score some drugs." Noah said and ran off to his dorm room to get ready.

You, Astoria and Miranda looked at each other for a few seconds before all three of you said something at the same time.

"I call dibs on showering first!" The three of you shouted.

You and Miranda jumped up and raced over go there bathroom first, Astoria grabbing her crutches, but Miranda got into the bathroom and slammed the door. You could hear her laughing and heard the shower turn on.

You walked back over to Astoria and collapsed on your bed, her laying back on Miranda's bed. The two of you talked for a while until Miranda was finally done in the shower and you went into the bathroom to have your own shower.

Once you finished and Astoria took your place in the shower, you got ready and let Miranda do your hair and makeup because she does it the best.

All three of you were finally showered, dressed and had your hair and makeup done. You three were now fully ready for the party and left as soon as Noah got back to your dorm room.

Word Count : 1038

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