•Part thirty one

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"You're sober." You said to your mother.

"I'm sober." She said to her daughter.

"How come you are sober, I've not seen that since we got Leah maybe?" You crossed your arms and looked at your mother.

"Well, Prince wrote to me and explained a few things, things that I never would have guessed if he hadn't told me." Your mother said.

"What did he tell you?" You asked.

"Your an addict, Kendra?" She asked, a bit of pain in her voice.

"I'm not an addict." You told her. "I'm not like you, mum."

"That's not what Prince said. In one of the letters, he said how you came to him when you were high off of cocaine for the fifth day in a row." She said. "That sounds like an addict."

"I am not an addict, mother." You said.

"Right, and I'm not an alcoholic." Your mother laughed a little bit.

"You have absolutely no right to call me an addict! I was raised by an addict and so were Leah and Prince." You reminded her. "I have lived with an addict for my entire life, I know what that does to a family."

"If you know what it does to a family, then why are you letting yourself go through this, Kendra? I thought you were smarter than that." She sounded disappointed.

"Because I can't stop!" You stood up from the couch after your mother made you too annoyed. "You of all people should know that it's hard to stop! It's the most difficult thing I have ever had to do, and it is killing me."

Your mother stayed leaning against the arm of the couch, her arms now crossed. She was sat there watching you yell at her, knowing that she had just pushed your buttons and made you get angry at her.

"If I'm not snorting a line, I'm thinking about it. If I'm not getting a bag of cocaine from my friend, then I'm getting some from a sketchy dealer in the year above me." You told her. "Coke has taken over my life, my mind, and it is killing me, mum."

"You know, you are starting to remind me a lot of me when I was your age." She said and you laughed out loud at what she said. "When I was sixteen, I had my first drink. I hated it, I hated the burning that shot down my throat, I hated every single bit about the alcohol. A few months later, me and my friends drank more and more, I started to like the taste of alcohol in my mouth. I got addicted and it was one of the lowest points in my life, but I had my friends and family to help me through it."

"How did you get through it? I will take all the help I can get." You sat back down.

"I didn't, not for two years. My friends tried to get rid of all alcohol I could possible get to, but that wasn't enough. I ended up finding people who could get me alcohol, kind of like my vodka dealer." Your mother laughed.

"I know you were sober for some of mine and Prince's life, so how did you do that?" You asked your mother.

"I went to therapy and rehab when I was nineteen, then I got clean." She said. "I was clean until one of my close friends passed away and I fell back into the habit of getting drunk."

"When did they pass?" You asked.

"Maybe ten or eleven years ago now." She said. "I spent a year or two hiding my addiction that came back, so I know how to act or get sober quickly."

"I'm really sorry about your friend." You told your mother and she smiled at you.

"Thank you, baby." She smiled. "I've signed you up for therapy, every Monday."

"Wait what?" You sat up straight and now noticed Prince standing in the doorway.

"You said you would take all the help you could get, sweetheart." Your mother reminded you.

"I don't mean therapy, though." You said. "I don't want therapy."

"You're going." Prince walked into the room and stood in front of you and your mother.

"No I'm not." You told him.

"Yes you are, Kendra, you need help." Prince said. "Mum, I didn't tell you everything in the letters. Something else happened at school that Kendra doesn't want you to know about."

"Don't you dare, Prince!" You said and felt tears form in your eyes, knowing what he was going to say to your mother.

"She was in the hospital wing for a while." Prince crossed his arms and your mother sat up straight. "Kendra tried to kill herself."

Tears flew down your face at what Prince had just told your mother. He had absolutely no place to tell her that, it was meant to be your choice to tell her if you wanted to.

You looked up at your mother with tears blurring your vision, she was shocked. She was sat there, completely frozen, trying to process what Prince just told her.

"Twice." He added, it only made you cry even more. "She overdosed in my bed and she almost bled out on her bathroom floor."

"Get out! Get the fuck out, Prince!" You yelled at him, tears falling down your cheeks. "Get out, you fucking bitch!"

Prince didn't say anything, he just left the room with no words leaving his mouth. You were now a sobbing mess, you didn't want your mother to know about what you tried to do.

Now she knew what you tried to do.

"Kendra.. is that true?" Your mother looked at you, tears in her eyes too.

"What do you think, mum? Prince just fucking told you that shit, why would he lie about that?" You cried and she got off of the couch arm, sitting next to you.

Her arms wrapped around your body whilst you cried in her arms, trying to stand up but being stopped by her arms around you. She started kissing your forehead and your face, making you cry a lot harder.

After a minute, she gently grabbed your arm and tried to roll your sleeves up, ignoring your begging and crying for her not to. She rolled your sleeve up either way.

Scars and scabs were all to be seen, nothing else. The sight of your destroyed arm made you mother shake with shock, pure shock. She was now crying too, and you were still crying and beginning for her to get off of you.

"Mum, please." You sobbed. "Let me go, mum, please!"

She didn't listen, she just started to kiss your arm, kissing over the scars and the scabs everywhere.

"I am going to get you the help you need, baby." Your mother said. "I promise."

Word Count : 1145

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