•Part twenty eight

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TW : mentions of overdose

Kendra POV

It was now the next morning and you woke up in Prince's bed, your brother walking around his dorm and tidying up. His best friend, Malik, and his girlfriend where in the dorm talking whilst Prince continued to tidy up.

"Prince." His girlfriend said, Prince looking at her and noticed her point towards you.

"Hey. Hey, Kendra." Prince said with a quiet voice, walking over to his bed and sitting on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts." You sat up and felt something start to drip down your chin slowly.

"Sorry, I forgot about that." Prince said and grabbed some tissue, wiping your face clean and looking at your confused facial expression. "You overdosed in your sleep last night, Kendra."

"What? But I didn't even do that much coke." You got confused. "How could I overdose on only a bag of coke?"

"Let me get you some pain killers for your headache, then we can go on a walk, how does that sound?" Prince asked and stood up.

"I'd like that, thanks." You smiled and watched as he walked over to a desk, getting some pain killers for you.

He handed you the pain killers and a glass of water, watching as you swallowed them easily. Prince then helped you get up from his bed, making sure you were alright, and he grabbed your shoes for you.

You put your shoes on and got handed a sweatshirt by Prince, you had seen him wear it around the house before. You put the sweatshirt on, standing up from the bed and walking out of Prince's dorm with him.

The two of you walked out of the dungeons and started walking around the castle grounds. When you and Prince were younger, the two of you would sometimes walk around the castle grounds and to the courtyard, you used to just sit there and talk until it got dark.

You and Prince sat down on a bench by an archway in the courtyard.

"Please don't tell anyone about what happened last night." You looked over at your older brother.

"Why would I tell anyone? This is your business and nobody else's, this is your story to tell if you decide you want to." Prince said.

"What about Malik and your girlfriend? I don't know her name." You asked him and he laughed at you not knowing her name.

"No, I made them promise not to tell anyone." Prince replied. "If they tell a single soul, then I won't talk to either one of them ever again."

"Thank you." You said and he kissed the top of your head.

"I know you don't really want to talk about this, but I need to have answers." Prince said. "How much coke did you do?"

"Just one bag, one small and normal sized bag." You told him truthfully. "I promise."

"How long? How long have you been getting high for?" He asked.

"A while now, I don't really want to stop." You told him, no lies left out.

"You are going to have to stop some time soon, preferably now." He said. "But, when was the last time you were sober?"

You had to think about that question for a minute because you genuinely didn't remember. You were either high, or thinking about getting high if you were sober. After a minute or two, you remembered when you errr last sober.

"Five days ago, I think." You told your older and only brother, his eyes giving you a very worried look.

"Fuck, Kendra." He cursed. "You need help, I need to get you some help."

"No, Prince, I don't want any help. I don't want random strangers trying to help me with my own shit, it's not their business." You told him.

"There has to be another way you can cope then, not snorting lines whenever you can't deal with shit." He said.

"Like what? Cutting myself? Been there, done that." You held in a small giggle because of his face, he didn't look too happy.

"That's not something to joke about. Are you doing it again?" He asked and you shook your head. "Promise me?"

"I promise."


Prince and you talked for a little while longer, and your talking turned into an argument. He was getting mad because he knew you needed help but didn't want to get help, so he kept on trying to bring up the idea of therapy or even counselling at school. You turned down all of his ideas as you didn't need of want help.

You knew deep down that you did need help, but you weren't going to admit that to your brother or to anyone. You didn't want to be a burden to anybody, that meant keeping your problems inside and not letting anyone in.

Tomorrow you were leaving Hogwarts for the Christmas break, as it was November 31st. Most people leave school on December 1st, so you would be going back home on the first. You really didn't want to go home, but you didn't have much of a choice.

You spend every single Christmas with Leah and Prince, they would be mad and probably a bit confused if you decide to stay at school this year. You were dreading see your parents, but you knew you would have to at some point.

Better late than never.

"Hey, where you going?" Fred stopped you in the corridor, you were now alone.

"To find some food, I'm starving and haven't eaten all day." You told your boyfriend and he nodded.

"Nobody is at my dorm right now, and I have some food there that you might like. Want to come back with me?" He asked you.

"I would really like that, thank you, Freddie." You said and held his hand, walking to the Gryffindor common room and straight up to his dorm.

You two talked a little while on the way until you got there and he opened the door for you. He was right, nobody was in there. You sat down on his bed whilst he grabbed some food from a cupboard and two bottles of water from his hidden mini-fridge.

"Here you go." He handed you a bag of crisps and a bottle of water.

"Thanks." You smiled at him as he sat down next to you, hand in yours.

Word Count : 1070

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